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Doug's Mailbag: No Love for Microsoft's Logo

You really hate it. And here's the proof:

Microsoft looks to be going for a new image, and not with just the logo. From the new Surface tablet to Windows 8's new 'formally known as Metro' interface, Microsoft is changing. The new logo reflects that. It's very simple. But, it is very generic and lacks familiarity. Like you said, it looks like a college paper heading, which it pretty much is. Just a generic font.

Logo recognition is huge in today's market. There are even apps out there to 'guess the logo.' Sadly, I think this is where Microsoft is taking a step backwards. There is nothing there that really sticks out and becomes familiar. I guess MS Paint is a great tool for Microsoft designers!  

Thanks for always having a good read with Redmond magazine. I have to say that some things I read in there make me furious, while others make me smile. Definitely learn a lot every issue.

I'm hearing midi music in my head when I see that new (old school) logo!

Hope you don't have to look at it every day.

The MS logo we all know had a unique, timeless, clean look to it -- the new logo blows.

The letters aren't even fully kerned!

Bad move for Microsoft.

The new MS logo sucks. What is there that is good about it? Nothing. Lame is a nice word for it. Someone should have known better.

It sucks.  Kind of like the idea to turn Windows into a touch-centric OS.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 08/27/2012 at 1:19 PM


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