Joey on SQL Server

DBAs: You Need To Learn PowerShell

It's time. Make your life a lot easier by automating those time-intensive tasks.


Microsoft Build: A Deeper Dive into SQL Server 2022

Build 2022 marks the long-awaited public preview of Microsoft's next-generation database engine. Here are the top seven new SQL Server 2022 features to look out for.

Making Managed Instance Better with NoRecovery

Here's how Microsoft can make data migration easier on us.

Tracking Performance Impacts of SQL Server Changes

Getting a bird's eye view can help to quickly spot trouble areas.

Understanding Dirty Reads: What NOLOCK Does to Your Queries

Let's break down when it's ideal to use the NOLOCK hint and when you should never use it.

Introducing SQL Server 2022: Top 3 New Features Announced at Microsoft Ignite

The next major version of Microsoft's flagship database engine is now in private preview. Here's what you need to know about it.

What Is TempDB and Why Does It Matter?

Time to hit the basics and dive into how theSQL Server database engine works.

That One Easy Trick for SQL Server Performance

Here's how to fix that performance database query to speed up response time.

Why Activity Monitor May Be Hurting Your SQL Server's Performance

As Joey explains, Activity Monitor consumes a lot of resources and yields little usable data. Here are some third-party alternatives.

Chalk Arrow

So You Need To Move Off SQL Server 2016

As of July 13, SQL Server 2016 no longer has mainstream support. Your next steps as a DBA include understanding Microsoft's support model, knowing the risks of upgrading and then biting the upgrade bullet.

How To Use Query Store Hints in Azure SQL

Microsoft has just added support for query hints to Azure SQL Database, giving database administrators a powerful tool to manage the performance of ISV application code. Here's how it works.

The Right Approach to Database Backups

Elaborate backups might seem like a good idea at first, but they add unnecessary complexity to your recovery process. Here are some things to keep in mind to make backup and recovery as smooth as possible.

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