
Spamhaus DDoS Attacker Arrested

Here's a tip, don't try to make up a fake diplomat title to get out of being arrested.

Microsoft To Reveal Windows 'Blue' in Coming Months

Look for Microsoft to pull back the curtain on the major Windows 8 update at May's TechEd and June's BUILD conference.

Get Your Active Directory Organized

In order to get the most out of Active Directory, you need to give a lot of thought to an efficient configuration that matches your workflow.

Making the Switch to Office 2013

Brien chronicles what went right and wrong during his Office 2013 migration.

Best Practices for Exchange Archiving

Using carefully configured archive mailboxes can help youwork around Exchange storage limits and corporate retention policies.

Broken Microsoft Security Bulletin Gets Fixed

An April Microsoft security update has been re-released after being pulled due to compatibility issues for Windows 7 users.

AP Twitter Hack Causes False Panic

The Dow Jones took a tumble after a fake alert about a White House attack was posted on the news organization's Twitter feed.

The Storage Metrics That Matter

Scott Lowe outlines the three top things IT should keep an eye on when monitoring storage usage.

Enhance Your Windows Server Security

There are a variety of features and settings for securing your Microsoft Windows Server infrastructure, so be sure you make the right choice.

Take the Bing Challenge and Get 5 Times the Malware

An independent study found that Microsoft's search results included much more malware than Google's.

Microsoft Yanks Patch After Users Experience Errors

Bulletin MS13-036 was pulled after incompatibility issues arose with a popular third-party antivirus program.

Microsoft Adding Two-Factor Authentication for

Will adding a second step when logging in lower the amount of hijacked accounts?

5 Options for Getting (Re)Started with Storage

The recent explosion of the storage market has provided a huge amount of choice for your enterprise. Here are five options that are vying to be your data storage solution.

Microsoft Readies a Lineup of 9 for April's Security Update

An Internet Explorer fix should be the top priority for IT on Tuesday.

How To Configure and Provision Hyper-V Host Servers with SCVVM

Your guide to using System Center Virtual Machine Manager to configure your VMs and hosts.

How Secure Are Windows Store Apps?

Can Microsoft's sandbox protect applications from the attacks of yesterday?

Microsoft's Device Future Will Include Big Displays

According to Mary Jo Foley, it's not jut Xbox consoles and tablets -- Microsoft also has it's eye on PPI displays (and they'll play into Redmond's services aspirations, as well).

Application Virtualization Vote: Yea or Nay?

Help Greg Shields settle an ongoing debate regarding app virtualization with Don Jones by "voting" in the comments!

Understanding System Center & the Private Cloud

System Center has morphed into a true private cloud platform. Here's a quick overview of what this means and how your IT infrastructure can take advantage of it.

Your Take: Bringing Back the Start Button?

Readers' thoughts on whether the Start button should return.

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