Security Advisor

Microsoft Readies a Lineup of 9 for April's Security Update

An Internet Explorer fix should be the top priority for IT on Tuesday.

Microsoft's April Security Update will be fielding nine security items this coming Tuesday.

Luckily, only two of the nine items are rated "critical" -- the remaining seven have been classified a less-severe "important."

Bulletin 1 for the month is a remote code execution (RCE) fix for Internet Explorer, so you know what that means: get this one patched as soon as possible, said Paul Henry, security and forensic analyst at Lumension.

"This month, Bulletin 1 will be your highest priority," he said in an e-mailed response. "This is one of the few bulletins this month that has a critical impact on the current code, hitting Windows 8, Windows RT and Windows 7 with a critical remote code execution issue. We recommend that this bulletin be your first patch and you should update Internet Explorer while you're at it."

Once that's taken care of, your next task will be to move to the only other critical bulletin for the month -- an RCE update for Windows. I'd tell you more about it, but Microsoft keeps that info close to the vest until the patch is released on April 9.

As for the seven remaining less-time-sensitive items, flaws in Windows, Office, Microsoft Server Software and Microsoft Security Software will all be addressed.

Look for the detailed play-by-play information on Microsoft's April Security Update on after the patch's release.

About the Author

Chris Paoli (@ChrisPaoli5) is the associate editor for Converge360.


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