
Hacker Taking Credit Where Credit's Not Due

An Anonymous hacker (although not sure if part of Anonymous or just anonymous) was quick to take credit on Monday for the six-hour Web site outages of GoDaddy customers.

Microsoft Fighting an Unwinnable War

Is the cloud a viable tool in the fight?

Java Flaw Found, Flaw Fixed, Flaw Found in Fix

It's been a tough week and a half for Oracle and its Java crew.

Create Hyper-V Virtual Machines with Windows PowerShell

If you need to create and configure VMs on a regular basis, using Windows PowerShell to do so can speed up the process.

6 Reasons Office 365 Might Not Suit Your Shop

Every company has different needs. While Office 365 may be a perfect fit for the shop across the street, it may not be right for your business.

Microsoft's Touch-Based Future: Will Customers Follow?

Mary Jo Foley discusses why Windows 8 is just the latest example of how the company is trying to push customers into a future that they're not ready for.

The New Windows Admin: Employee or Freelance Contractor?

With an estimated 33 percent of IT employees working as freelancers by 2020, Greg Shields argues why this shift away from salaried positions is a win-win for both employer and employee.

September Reader Letters: High Hopes for Surface Tablet Devices

Will Microsoft's Windows 8 Surface tablet sink or float? Here's what readers think.

Security Stalemate

While Microsoft's dedication to software security should be the gold standard for others, it's a war that the company will never win.

Will the Hypervisor Be the New OS?

Brien lays out his argument on why you will soon start to see features of a traditional operating system shifting to the hypervisor.

Attack of the Clones

Remember that "Pandora's box" that security bloggers and experts were warning about once it was reported that Stuxnet might have come from a government body?

Microsoft Echoes Security Issue

Microsoft released a security advisory this week warning about an issue that could cause VPN passwords to be stolen, thanks to the work of a couple of hackers.

Small RSA Keys Blocked, Will Trouble Follow?

While malware will have to use a new trick to infect systems, Microsoft's solution may hurt those who have dealings overseas.

Microsoft's Eye in the Big Apple

Big brother asks Microsoft for some assistance.

Has Microsoft Become a Leaner, Meaner Fighting Machine?

Mary Jo Foley looks at Microsoft's product line changes over the last year and wonders if it's indicative of a larger shift.

BYOD: The Security Headache

Not only does it not save enterprises money, but it adds a ton of security issues. What's not to like?

Enterprises Have Cloud Trust Issues

According to a recent poll, cloud security still isn't up to the level to handle the data of many enterprises.

How-To: Streamline SharePoint with RBS

Remote BLOB Storage (RBS) can improve SharePoint functionality and performance.

Windows 8 Won't Be a Hacker's Paradise

Attackers will have to learn a new trick if they want to hack Windows 8.

Dropbox Has Been Hacked... Again

Change your passwords!

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