
A Treatise on IT Fiefdoms

If you want to get the most out of Windows administration tools like Group Policy preferences (GPPs), you need to break down those walls.

August Reader Letters: Phoning It In

In his July column, "Time to Dump the BlackBerry," Redmond Editor in Chief Doug Barney asked readers: "Should I be a Redmond loyalist and go with Windows Phone, or bow before the Cupertino gods?" Here are some of their suggestions.

Smashing the iPad

Doug buys an iPad, but he's looking forward to the Surface.

Whither Security Training: When Education Trumps Technology

Your users might just be smart enough to handle security issues correctly -- with the right training.

Bing Injects Social Networking Into Internet Search

While Brien had some preconceived concerns with mixing social networking with an Internet search engine, Bing's newest update left him pleasantly surprised.

Do You Know Who Has Admin Rights?

Looking to to a somewhat biased study, more than half of you don't.

Symantec Labels CEO as Virus, Removes From System

The move was made due to Symantec's underperformance.

Grum Botnet Powers Down, But Not Out

Look for this botnet right to be back at operational capacity sometime soon.

Microsoft Looks To Be On the Right Track With Surface

Brien lays out why he is optimistic about Microsoft's Windows 8 tablet, and why you may be ditching the iPad for the Surface.

Always-On VPN Equals Always-On Security

The security of a home network wherever you go.

Hacking the UFC President -- Bad Idea

I'd strongly advise not messing with someone like that.

Data Breach Fatigue

Do we continuously give companies a pass for letting loose our personal info?

DNSChanger Shutdown Weeds Out Internet Inept

Losing those that still had infected systems is a good thing for the rest of us.

Two In a Row for a Microsoft IE Fix

July's Patch Tuesday marks the second fix for Microsoft's Web browser in two months.

5-Minute How-To: Quick and Easy Web Servers with Windows PowerShell

A step-by-step guide to help you deploy IIS and default Web sites using PowerShell in less than five minutes!

Can Microsoft Speed the Pace of Windows?

Mary Jo Foley on whether Microsoft can/will turn up the speed in which it delivers new updates.

Quick Guide: What's New in Windows Server 2012 Active Directory

Greg Shields lays out the new and improved features to look for in Windows Server 2012's Active Directory.

Are You Ready for the Always-On VPN?

Many organizations are slowly phasing out the traditional and clunky IPSec VPN for newer SSL VPNs. Here's the pros and cons.

July Reader Letters: Server Success with WS-MAN

Readers respond to a recent IT Decision Maker Blog post, "Windows Server 2012: IT Pros Will Need WS-MAN Remoting Skills (and Not Just for PowerShell)."

Stuxnet Powers Down

Self destruct sequence initiated.

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