
Scripting Your Way Through an AD Migration

Save time (and hassles) with these scripting tips.

Trusty Plan Not So Trustworthy

One reader sees fatal flaws in the logic presented in June's Guest Opinion, and fears less discerning readers will run out and start implementing SOA using the untrustworthy plan.

A Group Policy To-Do List

Why aren't more Windows pros using GPOs to their full potential?

Navigate Within a Data Collection

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a RAD WinForms data navigation control for .NET developers.

This Mag is Your Mag

Tell us what you want and we'll serve it up every month.

Build a Better UI

Use the OwnerDraw capabilities of the Microsoft Windows GDI+ to add gradient colors to controls and ListBox items, add rounded edges to controls, and manage the size and color of ListBox items.

Microsoft Delivers on Centralized Security

Audit Collection Services provides a scalable means of consolidating security event logs across your enterprise.

Stopping Computer Crime, Part 2

Catch the culprits through logging, analysis and reporting.

Out with the Old, In With the New

With NT support ending soon, credit union administrator doesn't want to be left supporting orphanware and ponders an upgrade to Windows Server 2003.

The Importance of Keeping Time

Unreliable and inaccurate time sources can lead to security vulnearabilities.

Up and Over the Windows Firewall

Skirting the built-in, protective barrier known as Windows XP SP 2.

Windows 2003 Migration, in a Nutshell

Reader wants the simplest path to upgrade to Windows Server 2003 and Exchange 2003.

Protection Through Isolation

By creating internal network segments, you limit the reach of unauthorized users.

Same Access Tokens, Same Privileges

The magic behind simple access tokens.

Windows XP SP2 Strategies

To install or not to install SP2 is all up to you.

System Restore, Virus Restore...Same Thing

A scriptable way to keep clients updated and virus-free.

Daydreaming Laptops

Windows XP laptops continue to "sleep" from Standby mode.

Linux: Avenue for Windows Sneak Attack?

Any hole, irrespective of OS, is the weakest link.

RPC Over HTTP Reloaded

Readers ask for a good resource on configuring this useful but confusing feature of Exchange 2003.

Insecurity, in Black and White

Proper preventive measures can mitigate attacks on data storage.

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