
Device Management

The command-line tool DevCon.exe provides a ton of functionality.

Readers Respond July 2005

Readers discuss 64-bit, desktop Linux and our new security columnist, Joern Wettern.

What's New in R2

Bill likes much of what he finds in the latest Windows Server 2003 upgrade.

Virtual Server Grows Up

Beta Man highlights the enhancements Service Pack 1 brings to Virtual Server 2005.

CIO Blind Spots

Can CIOs really be the all-knowing technology gurus we want them to be?

Steps Microsoft Should Take to Improve Security

The topic this month is no laughing matter.

Dump Your DMZ!

Many DMZs aren't as secure as you might think -- here's how to determine if yours have outlived their usefulness.

Countdown To Your New Microsoft Deal, Part IV: Epilogue

What to do AFTER you've signed to get the most out of your contract and make the process less painful next time.

Mail at the Ready

Quick way to provide e-mail on your systems via scripting.

The Security Configuration Wizard

With Windows 2003 SP1, you get a single, authoritative source of lockdown settings you can deploy with a single stroke that are fully supported by Microsoft.

Loving to Hate

Doug talks about this month's cover story, "The Microsoft Survey," and how Microsoft should interpret our readers' opinions.

Secure Network Access Control

Protect your corporate network by controlling which users and computers can access it at all.

Extraordinary Places to Work

Perk-filled, dangerous and beyond the call of the duty -- how does your company match up?

A Feather in Your MCAP

Comparing the MCAP to a PhD is a bit lofty, and, well, wrong.

Lock Down AD

While SecurityManager won't actively fix your problems for you, it does make finding them fairly simple.

Readers Respond June 2005

Agreement, appreciation and clarification -- readers remark on past issues.

WMI eXposed!

More than just a browser, WMIX packs more bang than fluff.

Countdown to Your New Microsoft Deal, Part III: Bring an Extra Shoe to the Office

This month: Wrapping up your deal—final negotiation and contract tips, and implementing for success.

Picking the Right Firewall

<i>Redmond</i>'s new Security Advisor drills down the specifics of what should be considered when selecting your next firewall.

Auto-confirm with PopUp

Used appropriately, PopUp is a powerful addition to any scripter's toolbox.

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