
Speed Up Terminal Server

Streamline your Terminal Services for Windows 2003 with these Registry tweaks.

Office Dinosaurs Unite

Microsoft is calling workers everywhere to join its "digital work style" revolution.

[email protected]: June 2006

Extreme computing, beta testing, password tips, Microsoft Live and more.

Why Does Microsoft Keep Its Volume Pricing Secret?

Hey Microsoft, want to really help your customers? Publish your volume licensing price list! (Yes, all of it!)

Linux Printing in a Microsoft World (and Vice-Versa)

Need to get Linux to access the printers on your Windows server? Or Windows clients to access your Linux printers? Our expert walks you through both scenarios, using SUSE Linux and Windows 2000 Server as primary examples.

Microsoft Live: A Six-Month Report Card

Mary Jo explains what the Live services are all about and how she rates their success so far.

Out of Control

Hell hath no fury like two employees scorned.

Extending Security

Secure non-Microsoft server apps with your own SCW extensions.

Microsoft at Your Service

Joern takes a look at Microsoft's new Live security services.

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Use this script to find out which time zones your computers are in.

Exchange 12: Unified Messaging Rules

Check all your voice, text and fax messages through Exchange 12.

Computers Make You Stupid

Do we rely on our electronic counterparts too much?

[email protected]: May 2006

Windows alternatives, Vista beta testing, and more.

Patents, Patches and Patently Absurd Ideas

Microsoft's most recent patch Tuesday wasn't just about security, it also patched a licensing problem. Here's why you can expect to see more patches like this in the future, and why patches won't be the end of it.

Exchange 12: Better Than Ever

64-bit power, better management add up to a compelling product.

A Wall Around Your Servers

Using IPsec policies for server isolation is easier than you think.

Speak No Evil

Politics pervades all things, including technology.

Service Control Freak

Services are invaluable, but be sure to keep them from taking over.

Windows Vista Testing: The School of Hard Knocks

Microsoft's made some improvements with its Vista beta testing program, but it could be doing more.

The Guiding Lights

Harden your computers' defenses with the tips in these Microsoft studies.

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