
When I'm 64

Get ready to upgrade to Win2003 x64.

Readers Respond May 2005

Ira Winkler's "Dumb and Dumber" article struck many a funny bone; positive and negative words for Sun's Scott McNealy; and some of you <i>do </i>read Doug Barney's Chief Concerns column.

Police the 'Net

Will public policy make a difference in virus attacks and spyware infiltration?

Extend the Limits of Group Policy

Don't let either the real or perceived limitations in Microsoft's default Group Policies prevent you from taking full advantage of this technology.

Names for Windows XP sans Media Player

Denied the actual list of names submitted by Microsoft to the EC, we felt it our duty to do our best guesstimating.

Countdown to Your New Microsoft Deal, Part II

This month, Scott walks you through the next important steps for renegotiating your Enterprise 6.0 licensing deal, including cost estimating and Microsoft contact strategy.

Readers Respond April 2005

Doug Barney's Redmond Report Weekly e-newsletter causes quite a stir, plus: readers question how we select the products included in each month's Redmond Roundup.

Egregious Forms of Business-Speak

We certainly hope you're not guilty of using some of these IT buzzwords at work!

A Tragedy of Errors

Just because you run a computer magazine doesn't mean you're immune to network problems and usability issues.

Scriptomatic Redux

Scriptomatic Version 2 improves upon some of the limitations of the previous iteration of this handy scripting tool.

Out, Foul Spyware!

Beta Man looks at the recently released beta Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware software.

Notify with WMI

Find out how to use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) for system notifications without having to write scripts.

The Death of Paper MCSEs

This MCSE doesn't think he'd be able to pass the new performance-based questions recently added to the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator exams.

Countdown to Your New Microsoft Deal, Part I

Many Enterprise Licensing 6.0 agreements will expire June 30. Start preparing now with these tips from Microsoft negotiating guru Scott Braden.

Things You Want To Tell Bill Gates

Yes, you ask for money (nice try), but also for better patching, MCP support and for the Microsoft founder to keep on keeping on.

Getting Creative with HTAs

Chris shows how you can take your HTAs one step further.

Smooth Deployment Wrinkles with ADS

Bill looks at the pros (lots) and cons (few) of Microsoft's Automated Deployment Services tool.

Blind (Ship) Dates

With ship dates becoming more important than ever thanks to Software Assurance, Doug urges Microsoft (once again) to rethink how it annouces future launches.

Data at Rest Is a Sitting Duck

Recommendations for reducing risk to your stored data, whatever its form.

Readers Respond March 2005

Your take on Bad Product Names, SP2, our Redmond Report newsletter and more.

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