
Certified Mail: August 2004

Ensuring the strength of your users' passwords; using IE as a workaround for file management; is moving from desktop support to network admin a step up?

Two are Better Than One

It's time to make the move to two-factor authentication.

Access the Power of VB.NET From C#

C# now provides many of the features VB developers have enjoyed for years. Learn how to plug the rest of VB's power into your C# apps.

Creating a "Super" MMC

Manage your server network with a customized Microsoft Management Console.

Many IPs, One NIC? No Problem.

If you've been wanting to bind multiple IP addresses to a single NIC, now you can.

GPO Treasures

A bevy of often-overlooked settings are available in Group Policy Objects.

Microsoft and Oracle: Better Together

These two companies are finally working together, to the benefit of everyone.

Testing Exchange's New Spam Filter

In spite of its shortcomings, you can't beat the price of Microsoft's Intelligent Message Filter.

The Pain of Exams

Compared to the technology that's being tested, test center technology can seem outright medieval.

On the Offensive

It's time to become proactive about stopping computer crime.

Welcome to REDMOND Magazine, Part 2

Coming in October: More of the same, but more and better.

Build Web Sites Using Master Pages

ASP.NET 2.0 master pages enable you to set the common content for a group of Web pages quickly and easily, while also providing for each page's unique content.

Define Your Data Validation

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that lets you define your data validation only once.

Position Yourself Wisely

It is possible to survive and even excel in today's tough developer job environment-but it will take a change in how you think about and approach your job.

Novice VS.NET: Helpful or Hurtful?

Does VS.NET need a novice version to ease the transition for VB6 developers? Some say it would help; others assert it would hurt the respectability of a language finally coming into its own.

Put Custom Property Editors on the Map

Use PropertyGrid to edit complex data structures by adding custom user interface editors.

Secure, Safe, Feature-Laden Web Browsing

Alternatives to the standard IE.

Stalled Exchange 2000 Setup

Migration to Exchange 2000 seems to go fine, but setup comes to a screeching halt for this admin.

Lock Down Remote Registry Access

Block anonymous users from accessing confidential information.

Split DNS Configuration

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