
Build Data-Driven Client Validation

Here's a design for creating data-driven validation rules for distributed apps. It lets you distribute the rules from to clients without modifying client-side application code.

Output Your Trace Info

Output your trace information to new targets, including SQL Server and XML—and do it without parsing.

The Pinocchio Factor

How Microsoft is like the fairy tale.

Trend: Companies Bundling Products

Companies like Desaware are enticing consumers by bundling their best sellers for a fraction of the cost of the products combined. And they're giving away the source code to boot.

Boot-Time Security

Boot-up is a dangerous time for your systems, a time before security policies to protect them may be active. Avoid danger with persistent policies.

Diagnosing Exchange Symptoms

KerbTray helped this reader figure out what was making his Exchange server sick.

Virtual Computing Rules

It's hip, it's cool, it's virtual computing. Well, it's cool for geeks, anyways.

Exchange Migration Walk-Thru

Reader has Exchange upgrade problems; plus, update on Exchange memory optimization problem.

Virtualize This

Test networks on Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 beta.

Power Brakes for IIS

Prevent Internet Information Server from being installed automatically.

Enforcing Stronger Passwords

Microsoft's password complexity filter: what's wrong with it and why you might need something better.

Digging Deep

Build effective security moats with a defense-in-depth strategy.

Renewal Notice

Are you past due?

Install Help Files from Other Operating Systems

Having this information at your finger tips will let you switch from one OS's help to any other.

Streamline Your Systems Management

In March 2004, Microsoft refined its new management vision with the announcement of Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 and the first version of its unified operations environment, System Center 2005. Both products are due for release later this summer.

Outsourcing 101; Bill's Mills; AD Accounts and more

Letters to the Editor

A reader calls for less beta coverage and more focus on current technologies, such as GDI, namespaces, and exception handling.

Secure Your Directory-Enabled Apps

Find out how Active Directory Application Mode and Windows Authorization Manager can simplify security, personalization, and configuration for your directory-enabled applications.

What's Your Level?

Maturity in management comes at different stages.

Create PDFs From ASP Apps

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that lets you create, read, and modify PDF documents from any application supporting COM, including ASP and ASP.NET.

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