
  • ASP.NET Crash Course

    The shortest and most productive 24 hours of my life. 03/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    The TaeBo Workout for Your Active Directory Database

    ntds.dit can quickly grow flabby if you don’t work it out regularly. Let NTDSUtil be your coach. 03/01/2002

  • Ready for the Tough Stuff?

    A review tool for one of the hard exams. 03/01/2002

  • News

    Your Brief Guide to Scripting Tools: Primalscript

    Editors exist for all kinds of scripting needs—some free, some cheap, and some not-so-cheap. Use this guide to help you find the right product for your work. 03/01/2002

  • News

    Storage Quota Management

    Users can chew up disk space in seconds. Quota Server can deal with these space hungry people. 03/01/2002

  • Quick Look: Run SQL Server at its Peak

    Developers and administrators alike need this book. 03/01/2002

  • All-in-One MCSE Prep

    CBT Vision helps you see the answers clearly. 03/01/2002

  • Infrastructure Blues

    Why's the network running so slow? Where's the bottleneck? Is it hardware, software or a user? You can find answers quickly if you know your network's infrastructure. 03/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Automate Your Administration

    Speed up and simplify your work by applying these 10 scripts to the job. 03/01/2002

  • Windows Insider

    EFS: Handle with Care

    The Encrypting File System, while serving a need, can also cause big headaches—especially with the XP implementation. Here’s how to do it right. 03/01/2002

  • News

    Gartner Predicts Major Consulting Acquisitions in Microsoft's Future

    Consultancy Gartner assigns a 0.6 probability to Microsoft spending at least $15 billion to acquire IT professional service vendors by year-end 2005. 02/28/2002

  • News

    Microsoft, DOJ Submit Revised Settlement

    After receiving more than 32,000 public comments, Microsoft and the U.S. Department of Justice made changes to the proposed antitrust case settlement to answer critics who say the settlement doesn't go far enough. 02/28/2002

  • News

    Unisys Demos Big Systems Running Next-Gen Chips

    Unisys used the Intel Developer Forum this week to show off two of its highly scalable, Intel processor-based servers. Unisys demonstrated 32-way and 16-way systems running the next generations of Intel 32-bit and 64-bit processors. Both systems ran on beta versions of Windows .NET Datacenter Server. 02/28/2002

  • News

    EMC Updates NAS Offering

    EMC, the 800-pound gorilla of storage, upgraded its Celerra NAS device for improved capacity and performance. 02/28/2002

  • News

    Are You a Winner in Our MCSA Contest?

    In a newsletter from Jan. 31, I announced a contest seeking early adopters of Microsoft's Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator title. 02/28/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Plans Minor Update to Windows CE .NET

    Operating system codenamed "Jameson" will add IPv6 support and other technologies to Windows CE .NET before the next major release. 02/27/2002

  • News

    Two More Vendors Certify Their Apps with Commerce Server

    Eight ISVs have now had their applications certified by an independent lab for tight integration with Microsoft's e-commerce server software. 02/27/2002

  • News

    Compaq Sets Price Benchmark on TPC-C

    The cost per database transaction on industry standard benchmarks continues to drop for Windows-based servers, with Compaq showing off the latest economy TPC results. 02/27/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Licenses Resource Management Tool for Datacenter

    Microsoft entered into an agreement to provide resource management functionality in its high-end Windows 2000 Datacenter Server operating system by licensing the technology. 02/27/2002

  • News

    BEA Offers Roadmap

    Although BEA leads the market for J2EE application servers, some observers have marked BEA for death. But BEA’s slate of new development products shows the company has a clear roadmap for the future. 02/26/2002

  • News

    Microsoft: CRM Strategy Doesn't Include the Enterprise

    Microsoft took pains to clarify that the new Customer Relationship Management software it announced Tuesday will be strictly for small- and medium-sized businesses. 02/26/2002

  • News

    Intel Launches New Server Processors, Chipset

    Intel used its Intel Developer Forum this week to formally launch its Intel Xeon processor for servers and a new server chipset. 02/26/2002

  • News

    Legato Buys OTG Software

    Two storage software vendors joined when Legato Systems announced its intention to purchase OTG Software. 02/22/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Issues 4 New Security Bulletins

    Three of the newly disclosed vulnerabilities represent critical problems in Commerce Server, Internet Explorer and Microsoft XML Core Services. A moderate vulnerability was also discovered in SQL Server. 02/22/2002

  • News

    AMD Details Chipset for Hammer Processor

    AMD released details about its series of chipsets for its 64-bit Hammer processors. The chipsets, called the AMD-8000 series, will be available in the fourth quarter of this year, AMD says. They will be used in servers, workstations and desktops. 02/21/2002

  • News

    Closest on the Count

    An MCP from India is the winner of our Count-the-MCSEs competition. 02/21/2002

  • News

    Sun Trawls for NT 4.0 Customers

    Looking to capitalize on Microsoft's announcements that it will retire support for Windows NT 4.0, Sun is offering a competitive upgrade to its Cobalt appliances. 02/21/2002

  • News

    An Olympian IT Challenge

    MCSE Scott Seppich expects long work days in February, having joined the SchlumbergerSema staff integrating the IT infrastructure for the Olympics. 02/21/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Takes Issue with Gartner Bulletin

    Microsoft responds to a Gartner bulletin alleging that an Internet Explorer patch release was botched and undermines Microsoft's credibility on recent security promises. 02/20/2002

  • News

    New Version of Mobile Information Server is Last

    Microsoft plans to move the mobile and wireless technology from the middleware server into upcoming versions of other servers -- Exchange Server and Internet Security and Acceleration Server. 02/20/2002

  • News

    Compaq, HP Unveil Mobile Information Server Offerings

    Compaq and HP accompanied Microsoft's launch of Mobile Information Server 2002 with service and package offerings, including pilot program package deals. 02/20/2002

  • News

    News of C++ decline is an exaggeration

    Despite a burst of attention directed at new languages like Java and C#, C++ use quietly continues to grow. At the same time, observers say .NET-driven changes in Microsoft's popular Visual C++ tool may alienate some C++ developers. Into this scene comes Borland Software Corp. with C++ Builder 6. 02/19/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Posts Patch for SNMP Vulnerability

    Microsoft made a patch available to plug the security hole in Microsoft implementations of the SNMP service. After applying the patch, W2K and Windows XP users will not need to implement the workarounds detailed in an earlier bulletin on the industry-wide problem. 02/19/2002

  • News

    Symantec Consolidates Security Tools in Appliance

    Symantec unveiled a new network security appliance, Symantec Gateway Security, that consolidates the features and capabilities of separate Symantec point products. 02/19/2002

  • News

    .NET Toolkits Released for SQL, BizTalk

    Along with the formal launch of Visual Studio .NET on Wednesday, Microsoft issued two toolkits to help developers build XML Web services using SQL Server and BizTalk Server. 02/14/2002

  • News

    Security Firm Discloses Flaw in .NET Compiler

    A feature added to a compiler in Visual Studio .NET to improve the security of Visual C++ .NET itself introduces the type of vulnerability -- a buffer overflow -- that it was designed to protect against, a Dulles, Va.-based security consultancy revealed Thursday. 02/14/2002

  • News

    Gartner Blasts Microsoft on Security

    The recall of Microsoft's Internet Explorer security patch prompts Gartner's John Pescatore to pin Microsoft's ears back again. Pescatore gained notoriety last year for advising IT managers to consider replacing IIS Web servers with Apache. 02/14/2002

  • News

    SNMP Buffer Overrun Affects Windows

    Microsoft advised users of its Windows server and client operating systems to disable the SNMP service if it is running because of a buffer overrun vulnerability in the industry-standard protocol. 02/13/2002

  • News

    Windows Tops Unix in Another Benchmark

    Compaq is again pushing Windows 2000 into new scalability territory, on benchmarks at least. This time it's the TPC-H decision support benchmark. 02/13/2002

  • News

    IBM Introduces Technology to Enhance Memory Performance

    IBM this week began shipping an enhanced version of its rack-dense xSeries 330 server with a new technology that Big Blue claims makes the system perform as if it had twice the amount of memory it actually has installed. IBM plans to extend the technology to other xSeries servers. 02/13/2002

  • News

    EMC-Microsoft Tighten Relationship with Center

    Storage giant EMC opens a Windows Competency Center for demonstrating storage networking best practices for the Windows platform and simulating customers' environments prior to production installations. 02/13/2002

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    HP Cuts Prices on IA-32 Servers, Appliances

    HP dropped prices from 11 percent to 31 percent on some models of IA-32 dense servers and server appliances. 02/13/2002

  • News

    Standards or Not, Microsoft and Sun to Remain at Odds

    Microsoft formally launches its much-anticipated Visual Studio .NET integrated development environment today, making slightly more tangible the Web services concept many predict will soon become a lingua franca in enterprise computing circles. But Microsoft and longtime rival Sun remain at odds, which means developers will likely still struggle to find ways to build for both .NET and J2EE. 02/13/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Details New Developer Certifications

    At the VSLive Conference in San Francisco, Microsoft has released official details on its long-awaited certifications. 02/13/2002

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    Critical IE Patches Released

    Microsoft released a cumulative patch fixing three critical vulnerabilities for Internet Explorer Monday night. 02/12/2002

  • News

    Six Days in February: Bulletin-Fest at Microsoft

    After a slow start in 2002, Microsoft's security apparatus has been busy, issuing one security bulletin in late January and four more bulletins over a six-day period in February. 02/12/2002

  • News

    What, You Got a Problem?! Call for Questions....

    MCP Magazine's writers and editors turn their attention to solving your problems -- technical and professional. 02/12/2002

  • News

    State of the OS: Windows 2000 at 2 Years

    Windows 2000 turns two years old this month. The operating system continues to enjoy a reputation for reliability and stability, and Windows 2000 made significant scalability strides in 2001. Still migrations to the operating system continue to drag, and serious doubts have emerged about Microsoft's ability to secure its products. Considerable confusion also exists about the direction Microsoft is taking with the next versions of Windows. 02/11/2002

  • News

    Honey, I Shrunk the IT Budget: Companies Scaled Back W2K Rollouts in 2001

    Microsoft Corp. has tremendous power to push technological change on IT, but even Microsoft's industry-shaping power is subject to the gale-force winds of economic change. This is evident in a sampling of Windows end-user companies, contacted by ENT as a follow-up to a Windows 2000 rollout survey conducted at the end of 2000. In every case, companies that had ambitious plans for a Windows 2000 rollout during 2001 have had to scale back because of shrinking IT budgets. "I was anticipating a number of deals for deploying Windows 2000 last spring, but only one of them came to fruition," says Austin Miller, a consultant and system integrator. "So when I say died, it died." 02/11/2002

  • News

    Exchange 2000: Slow Going for Active Directory's Killer App

    Every new technology needs the proverbial killer app to get moving. Exchange 2000 Server is supposed to be the killer app for the Active Directory. The complexity inherent in both products, as well as Active Directory's slower-than-Microsoft-hoped-for uptake, has prevented Exchange 2000 from exploding onto the market. Some users are reaping benefits from the Exchange 2000/Active Directory combination, but many others don't believe any irrefutable business case has been presented for making the leap. 02/11/2002

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