
  • News

    Is Microsoft Delivering Operating Systems Too Fast Now?

    It took Microsoft Corp. more than four years to deliver Windows 2000. Since then, the software giant seems to have set a much snappier pace for operating system releases. In late 2001 we had Windows XP. This year is supposed to bring Windows .NET Server, with Longhorn coming in 2003. Now some analysts – and more than a few users – are saying that Microsoft could do itself and its customers a favor by reining-in its aggressive product development and marketing timetables. 02/11/2002

  • News

    AD Deployments Coming Along

    The days when IT managers viewed the Active Directory as complex and mysterious may be fading. "They no longer see this as being dark magic," IDC analyst Al Gillen says. While IT infrastructures remains a long way away from comprehensive Active Directory deployments, the learning curve may be behind many administrators. 02/11/2002

  • News

    Security Flaws Found in Oracle DB, App Server

    Oracle suffered a security embarrassment this week when a U.K.-based security firm documented several serious vulnerabilities in the midst of Oracle's long-running "Unbreakable" marketing and advertising campaign. 02/07/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Looks to Hold Developer Interest with Visual Studio .NET

    As developers shift their focus from the desktop to the Web, Microsoft is opening a new bag of tricks with Visual Studio .NET to ensure its .NET Framework enjoys as much success as Windows did. Visual Studio .NET launches next Wednesday. 02/07/2002

  • News

    New Consortium Formed to Promote Web Services Interoperability

    Microsoft and IBM jointly announced a new organization designed to ensure the interoperability of Web services. The group, which will monitor the consistency of emerging standards and protocols, has received the backing of more than 40 vendors. Sun is notably absent but hasn't ruled out joining. 02/07/2002

  • Review: IP*Works! V5 VB Edition

    IP controls that you can drop into your projects. 02/06/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Expands Agreement With SpeechWorks

    Microsoft is leaning more heavily on its ISV partner SpeechWorks as Microsoft works to create the speech hooks that will encourage developers to use Microsoft's platforms for speech-enabled applications. 02/06/2002

  • Review: AQTest

    Software testing made easy and inexpensive. 02/06/2002

  • Review: TextPipe Pro

    A snazzy tool for making wholesale textual changes to a group of files. 02/06/2002

  • News

    IBM Consolidates Workstations Under IntelliStation Line

    IBM is consolidating Unix and Windows-based workstations under the IntelliStation line, and adding Linux support to the mix. 02/06/2002

  • News

    Product Review: Shavlik Updates Hotfix Checker

    Few topics have commanded as much of Windows server administrators' attention in recent months as the issue of staying on top of Microsoft security vulnerabilities and hotfixes. Shavlik is among the vendors releasing tools to help administrators manage those patches across the enterprise. ENT reviewer Stephen Swoyer takes a look at the latest version of Shavlik's HFNetChk Pro, and finds a lot to like. 02/06/2002

  • Total Access Statistics

    Crunch numbers like a statistics expert. 02/06/2002

  • Review: Data On The Run

    Need Pocket Access? Here's an interim solution. 02/06/2002

  • News

    BizTalk 2002 Generally Available

    BizTalk Server 2002, an incremental improvement to Microsoft's integration server, shipped on Monday with new technology for quickly distributing trading infrastructure to partners and tight integration with Visual Studio .NET. 02/05/2002

  • News

    Dell Takes Performance and Price Lead on TPC-W

    Dell this week publicly claimed the performance lead over IBM on the Transaction Processing Performance Council's TPC-W benchmark for transactional Web e-commerce. 02/05/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Releases Beta of Java-2-C# Conversion Tool

    Microsoft released a beta version of a tool that partially addresses a hole in the cross-platform claims of its .NET Framework -- lack of Java support. 02/05/2002

  • What's in Your IIS logs?

    WebTrends can deliver information that you didn't even know you were collecting. 02/01/2002

  • Make Your Security Access-Friendly

    Try this trick to give user the permission they need to update SQL Server records via Microsoft Access. 02/01/2002

  • Scaling Out with Application Center

    If you survived the Designing Highly Available Web Solutions test, Microsoft load balances the difficulty level with this new exam. 02/01/2002

  • Web Site Change Management

    Keeping track of changes to Web sites can be of a great importance, a good reason to put SiteRecorder to work for you. 02/01/2002

  • How Much is Too Much?

    WCAT can answer that question. 02/01/2002

  • Reducing TCO with Win2K

    A great reference for the experienced admin—a must read for the new Windows 2000 admin. 02/01/2002

  • Foil those Hackers!

    A valuable reference with a bit too much filler. 02/01/2002

  • Security Advisor

    Securing Remote Management with WMI

    Writing scripts for remote computer management can save man-hours and shoe leather. But like any part of Windows, it has to be properly secured, or you risk opening up your network to the bad guys. 02/01/2002

  • Keep an Eye on Your Web Site in Real Time

    IISTracer helps spot questionable activity fast. 02/01/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Certification Price Jumps

    U.S. pricing for Microsoft exams through Prometric and VUE testing centers has increased 25 percent, to $125. 02/01/2002

  • Windows Insider

    Family Inheritance

    Knowing how NTFS passes down file access attributes would have helped one systems administrator avoid exile to the basement. It could do the same for you. 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Serving Up the Enterprise

    Microsoft’s been releasing new server products at a dizzying rate for the past year. Confused by all the choices? Let us add some clarity to your search. 02/01/2002

  • News

    Almost a Third of Windows 2000 Shops Not Using AD

    Out of 1,139 votes, 61 percent of respondents who had migrated to Win2K had moved to Active Directory. 02/01/2002

  • Web Recovery

    Protect Your Web site from defacement. 02/01/2002

  • Are Two Better Than One?

    Two books from Coriolis help prep you for the same ISA Server exam. Question: Why did they do it that way? 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Souping Up Your IIS Server

    Strengthen your infrastructure for serious IIS use with these monitoring and analysis tools. 02/01/2002

  • Need More Speed? Of Course!

    FatPipe is the easy way to add bandwidth, without complexity. 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Mobile Information Server: Unfulfilled Promise

    Although Mobile Information Server works well, it’s too hobbled by limited interoperability with other Non-WAP devices and application support. 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    BizTalk Server: Putting B2B to Work

    BizTalk Server 2000 gets closer to B2B application integration. 02/01/2002

  • .WSF: The Final Frontier

    After this last lesson—which looks at the flexibility of Runtime tags—you’ll be ready to bravely face bold, new scripts. 02/01/2002

  • "Note"-Worthy

    Follows the 70-210 exam objectives, but we've seen better guides out there. 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Application Center 2000: Super Glue

    Application Center 2000 isn’t the best known of Microsoft’s .NET servers, but if you run a Web or server farm, it can be indispensable. 02/01/2002

  • Lanovation Cooks Up Tasty Installs

    Prism Deploy can fill the gaps in your deployment solution. 02/01/2002

  • News

    July 2003: End of Line for Windows NT

    Windows NT, one of the most important products in Microsoft’s 25-year history, will be officially laid to rest July 1, 2003. 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Content Management Server: Functionality—for a Price

    Content Management Server 2001 provides a structured approach to managing Internet and intranet site content. 02/01/2002

  • Drive Protection Without Backups

    System Guardian provides real-time data security. 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Commerce Server: Worth a Look

    Once you get past the onerous installation requirements, Commerce Server 2000 can help make you a player in the e-business game. 02/01/2002

  • Is Project Management in Your Future?

    This month, Greg and Steve discuss the pros and cons of taking a leadership role on your company’s next project. 02/01/2002

  • Get the Goods on a Running Server

    eMon helps with the daily chores. 02/01/2002

  • .NET? .Not!

    Remember the wave of dot-bomb failures? You ain’t seen nothing yet. 02/01/2002

  • Build Remote Access in a Day

    Good case studies, technical errors might mean you'll need an extra day. 02/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    SharePoint Portal Server: Cool Tool

    The Microsoft Answer for finding a needle in a haystack. 02/01/2002

  • News

    Windows XP Administration Pack Released

    Beta version of an admin pack lets IT administrators manage Windows 2000 Server, .NET Servers from XP. 02/01/2002

  • Certified Mail, Feb. 2002

    Security risks, the "right" security policy, and certification as a foot in the career door. 02/01/2002

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