
  • News

    HP-Compaq: What Happens Now?

    As a result of the HP-Compaq merger, assuming good execution, enterprise customers can expect HP to beef up its services offerings, as well as its Windows-based server and workstation lines. There will be an added thrust in developing and marketing Itanium-based processors. 03/20/2002

  • News

    Precise Launches Heterogeneous SRM Tool

    Precise Software Solutions is using its prominent position in Windows server storage to attempt a step up into the software sector that provides higher level views of a company's storage capacity. 03/20/2002

  • News

    Preliminary Estimate: Shareholders Approve HP-Compaq Merger

    Hewlett-Packard Co. chairman and CEO Carly Fiorina announced that a preliminary examination of shareholder votes shows that HP shareholders approved the company's merger with Compaq Computer Corp. 03/19/2002

  • News

    Ballmer: Microsoft Not Shopping for Services Firms

  • News

    Hyper-Threading Scalability Remains to be Proven

    As is common with launches of new processor lines, the new Intel Xeon MPs do not deliver on their performance promises yet, even in benchmark situations. 03/19/2002

  • News

    TechEd Keynote Switched from Windows .NET Server to .NET

    Microsoft changed the keynote topic for its 10th annual TechEd show in New Orleans in April from Windows .NET Server to just .NET. 03/19/2002

  • News

    Analyst: Microsoft Shares OLAP Market Lead in 2001

    In just two years since exploding onto the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) market with SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services, Microsoft already shares the No. 1 position in market share with Hyperion Solutions, according to an analyst report. The same report projects that Microsoft will easily overtake Hyperion for sole ownership of the No. 1 spot in 2002. 03/14/2002

  • News

    SQL Server Betas Ramp Up

    Redmond opened the nomination process late last month for users and organizations interested in beta testing the forthcoming 64-bit version of SQL Server, codenamed Liberty, and for a fourth service pack for SQL Server 7.0. 03/14/2002

  • News

    Whistler Server Embedded Replaced With Server Appliance Kit

    Microsoft shifted its focus in developing an embedded version of the Windows .NET Server operating system. 03/13/2002

  • News

    Windows 2000 Artificially Throttles Intel’s New Xeon MPs

    The way the operating system interacts with the BIOS means Windows counts the virtual processor created by Intel's new Hyper-Threading technology against the processor licensing limit. The glitch raises problems for users with more than half the physical processors their version of Windows 2000 is supposed to support. 03/13/2002

  • News

    IBM Launches Expandable 8-Way Server

    IBM took a major step toward broadening the choices for customers interested in greater-than-eight-processor Windows servers. IBM rolled out the eight-processor version in its Enterprise X-Architecture line. The next piece, set to come in July, will be a 16-way system. 03/13/2002

  • News

    Technical Discussion of the Xeon MP Throttling

    A Microsoft technical white paper, however, explains that Windows 2000 Server in many cases cannot properly exploit the Hyper-Threading technology in the Xeon MP. 03/13/2002

  • News

    Sun Sues Microsoft Over Java Again

    Sun filed a private lawsuit against Microsoft seeking damages and penalties for what the company claims Microsoft did to its Java-based business by abusing monopoly power. 03/12/2002

  • News

    Intel Releases Next-Generation Xeon MP

    Intel formally launched the 32-bit processor that will provide the foundation for multiprocessing on Windows servers for the next several years. 03/12/2002

  • News

    3rd Microsoft Patch Available for SNMP Hole

    Microsoft Corp. notified customers that a third patch is available to protect Windows platforms from the industry-wide SNMP security vulnerability. This time the patch covers Windows NT Terminal Server 4.0. 03/12/2002

  • News

    Unisys Rolls Out Second High-end Server

    Unisys refreshed its high-end "Wintel mainframe" with a new model for the first time since launching the 32-processor server in 1999. 03/12/2002

  • News

    MCSA Ranks Exceed 5,000 Charter Members

    Microsoft to recognize early adopters with wallet card and special certificate. 03/12/2002

  • News

    NT Patch Available for SNMP Vulnerability

    Microsoft continues to work on bringing out patches for all versions of Windows affected by the industry-wide security vulnerability in SNMP. 03/07/2002

  • News

    Analyst Firm Lists Exchange Headaches

    Ferris Research, an analyst firm and consultancy focusing on messaging and collaboration, on Thursday released a list of the four biggest headaches for Exchange 2000 administrators. The culprits, according to Ferris Research, are mass updates of mailboxes, recipient policies, distribution list management and interorganizational use of Exchange. 03/07/2002

  • News

    BMC Unifies Database Tools

    Hoping to better reflect the current data management environment, BMC Software, Inc. unified its database products and business units. In addition, it launched new products for IBM's DB2 database. 03/07/2002

  • News

    Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer Preview

    When it’s released, the new Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) tool that Microsoft Corp. announced a couple of weeks ago will fulfill a long-sought requirement of Windows systems administration: A free hotfix management tool with a GUI interface and HTML reporting capabilities. 03/06/2002

  • Another Alternative for Pocket Data

    abcDB packs punch in a small package 03/06/2002

  • .NET does Internet

    IP*Works! relieves you from writing grungy code 03/06/2002

  • Clean Up Those Databases!

    Customizable filtering from DataPipe 03/06/2002

  • Recombinant Mind Maps

    Kutchka Templating extends a brainstorming tool 03/06/2002

  • Best Practices for VBA Shops

    Total Visual Code Tools makes it easier to write consistent code 03/06/2002

  • News

    Objectives Guides for .NET Exams Now Online

    New exams guides for Microsoft's developer tracks now available; details beta dates. 03/06/2002

  • Optimization the Smart Way

    AQTime helps you target problem code 03/06/2002

  • News

    Windows Reclaims Top Spot in SAP Benchmark

    Unisys this week leapfrogged IBM with a Unisys ES7000 32-processor server running Windows Datacenter Server to retake the top spot on an SAP application scalability benchmark. 03/06/2002

  • News

    Critical Flaw Revealed in Microsoft VM

    Microsoft this week acknowledged a critical flaw in the Microsoft Virtual Machine that could allow an attacker to intercept confidential information such as usernames and passwords. 03/06/2002

  • News

    Datacenter Server Limited Edition Released

    Although Microsoft has pushed back the schedule for Windows .NET Server, the company is going ahead with the release of a limited edition of Windows Datacenter Server based on Windows .NET Server beta code. 03/05/2002

  • News

    News Analysis: OS Delay a Good Sign for Trustworthy Computing

    With the confirmation that it is delaying the release of Windows .NET Server, Microsoft offers the first tangible proof that its Trustworthy Computing initiative is more than hype. 03/04/2002

  • News

    Microsoft's 2002 Security Bulletin Count Reaches 12

    Microsoft set a wicked pace for security bulletins in the last 30 days. After issuing no bulletins through Jan. 29, Microsoft sent out 12 from Jan. 30 through the end of February. 03/04/2002

  • In-Depth

    SBS 2000 Report Card: One Year Later

  • Getting Certified on Exchange 2000

    The book, despite some drawbacks, is still a useful exam-prep tool for experienced Exchange 5.5 administrators. 03/01/2002

  • Getting Down to BizTalk

    The world of EAI awaits you. Just enter the realm of HIPAA, RosettaNet, UDDI and document exchange, then prove yourself with this new exam. 03/01/2002

  • News

    Your Brief Guide to Scripting Tools: Visual KiXtart Editor 3.0

    Editors exist for all kinds of scripting needs—some free, some cheap, and some not-so-cheap. Use this guide to help you find the right product for your work. 03/01/2002

  • News

    Get to Know Those Nodes

    LANutil Elite 5.1 is an efficient, effective hardware and software inventory program. 03/01/2002

  • Cowboys and Indians

    Redmond’s not-so-secret plan to shoo those pesky Apaches away. 03/01/2002

  • Create Custom Performance Counters

    Create Custom Performance Counters 03/01/2002

  • News

    More Protection Than You Want

    CheckIt Firewall locks down your computer so well that no traffic flows in or out! 03/01/2002

  • Security Advisor

    Get Ready for Your Audit

    Time spent with network security auditors pointed out to Roberta the most common weaknesses in companies. How does yours stack up to her list? 03/01/2002

  • A Tale of Two Guys

    A common theme: What does my certification get me? 03/01/2002

  • News

    WinProxy Delivers on Promises

    Polka your way around the Internet. 03/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Be Prepared

    Scout out potential trouble by listening to your servers’ sounds. The best plan, as always, is a current backup. 03/01/2002

  • Microsoft Certification Public Newsgroups

    Should you chase the rabbit down the newsgroup hole in pursuit of your certification? 03/01/2002

  • In-Depth

    Your Brief Guide to Scripting Tools

    Editors exist for all kinds of scripting needs—some free, some cheap, and some not-so-cheap. Use this guide to help you find the right product for your work. 03/01/2002

  • News

    Certified Mail: March 2002

    The value of bootcamps; what MCPs wear; Microsoft's certification retirement policy. 03/01/2002

  • News

    ActiveManage Extends the Sysadmin's Reach

    Keep your network running from anywhere. 03/01/2002

  • Donning the Supervisory Cap

    This month, Greg discusses the right (and wrong) way to be an effective supervisor. 03/01/2002

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