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    Microsoft Stock Hit by Vista Delay

    Shares of Microsoft Corp. fell Wednesday after the software maker delayed the consumer release of its new operating system until January 2007, after the holiday shopping season. 03/22/2006

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    AT&T Dismisses Internet Access Concerns

    Ed Whitacre, the chief executive of AT&T Inc., dismissed criticism that its planned merger with BellSouth Corp. will form a near-monopoly for Internet access and give it the clout to dictate terms to Web sites if they want to remain reachable. 03/22/2006

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    Brown to Develop Handwriting Software

    Microsoft Research puts $1.2 milion into project to develop software that can interpret signatures as well as produce 3-D drawings based on sketches. 03/22/2006

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    Office Leader Promoted to Windows Hot Seat

    Although insisting that a sudden change in top management is not related to news that Windows Vista has slipped its schedule, sources inside the company say that Microsoft has promoted a veteran executive to head its Windows efforts, according to news reports. 03/22/2006

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    Watchdog Group Names Alleged Spyware Violators

    A corporate-backed watchdog group that monitors software for deceptive and abusive practices on Wednesday named a widely used file-sharing program and three other applications as violators of its guidelines. 03/22/2006

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    Microsoft Offers Rivals Unlimited Interop Tech Support

    Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday offered "free, unlimited technical support" to rivals interested in making their software work with Microsoft servers, saying it wanted to comply with a landmark EU antitrust ruling. 03/22/2006

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    Is Windows Vista on a Slippery Slope?

    After weeks of being cagey about shipping Windows Vista on schedule, Microsoft did a turnabout late Tuesday. The upshot: Vista will go to corporate customers in November, but all consumer releases are delayed until January. 03/22/2006

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    Shock and Awe at Cisco's Channel Partner Summit

    At its Partner Summit last week in San Diego, Cisco Systems Inc. announced a major restructuring of its Channel Partner Program. 03/22/2006

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    Blue Hats vs. Red Mond

    Microsoft holds its annual BlueHat security conference, Ballmer outlines vision of software designed for people, and a survey finds IT hirings outnumber firings. 03/21/2006

  • Microsoft's 'New' SA Results in Same-Old Story

    Despite the press coverage you might be reading about Software Assurance's new benefits, don't change your approach just yet. 03/21/2006

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    Mash-Up Tools, Updated IE Beta Bow at Mix06

    Microsoft released a refreshed Beta 2 preview of Internet Explorer 7 along with key beta development tools at Mix06, the company’s first-ever Web site developer and designer conclave kicked off in Las Vegas on Monday. 03/21/2006

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    Ruling Sheds Light on's Secrecy

    When a New Jersey judge ruled that Inc. breached a groundbreaking contract with Toys R Us Inc., she delivered with the legal blow a public scolding, calling company executives obstinate, arrogant and even childish. 03/21/2006

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    Microsoft To Deliver Internet TV Services in Germany

    Deutsche Telekom AG said Tuesday it has formed an alliance with Microsoft Corp. to offer Internet television services to subscribers in Germany this year. 03/21/2006

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    Microsoft Delays Consumer Release of Windows Vista

    The Redmond giant missing delivery by the holiday shopping season may benefit other parts of the consumer electronics industry, say analysts. 03/21/2006

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    Microsoft To Delay Consumer Release of Vista to 2007

    Microsoft Corp. will delay the consumer release of its new Windows operating system until January 2007, missing the holiday sales season and throwing some PC makers and retailers into turmoil. 03/21/2006

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    Dell To Double Staff in India to 20,000 in Three Years

    Dell Inc. plans to double the number of its employees in India to 20,000 in three years, Chairman Michael Dell said Monday, in what appeared to be moves by the world's largest personal computer maker to beef up its presence in one of the world's fastest growing markets. 03/21/2006

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    Contractors Suspected of Overcharging for FBI Computer Project

    Two companies that will share in a new FBI computer contract were singled out in a government audit Monday that questioned $17 million in the agency's computer overhaul. 03/21/2006

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    Adware Pioneer Moving On

    A pioneer of software that delivers pop-up ads based on Web sites that Internet users browse said Tuesday it will exit that business by June following persistent criticism from online publishers, consumer groups and privacy advocates. 03/21/2006

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    Anatomy of the Deal

    This is the first in an occasional series offering an inside look at prominent deals in the Microsoft partner community. 03/20/2006

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    New Tools for Driving Partner Profits

    A conversation with Microsoft VP Allison Watson. 03/20/2006

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    Hackers Get Windows XP onto Apple Computers

    As expected, hackers have found a way to run Microsoft Corp.'s Windows XP operating system on new Macintosh computers, winning an ad hoc contest and a $13,854 cash prize to boot. 03/19/2006

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    Google Avoids Surrendering Search Requests

    A federal judge on Friday ordered Google Inc. to give the Bush administration a peek inside its search engine, but rebuffed the government's demand for a list of people's search requests -- potentially sensitive information that the company had fought to protect. 03/19/2006

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    Site Files Suit Against Google for Blacklisting

    Google Inc.'s mysterious methods for ranking Web sites came under attack Friday in a lawsuit accusing the online search engine leader of ruining scores of Internet businesses that have been wrongfully banished from its index. 03/19/2006

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    JPEG Patent Owner Uses 'Trolling' as Business Model

    While most technology companies make money by developing software, building hardware or providing services, Forgent Networks Inc. has taken a different route: It produces threats and lawsuits that try to cash in on ideas. 03/19/2006

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    Hackers Get Windows XP Onto Apple Computers

    With Intel-based Mac machines now widely available, hackers find a way to get it done. One site even offers contest with prize money. 03/17/2006

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    IT Weekly Roundup, March 17

    From the business wires this week: an Exchange search tool, Windows backup products, and SQL Server monitoring and managing tools. 03/17/2006

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    Lockheed Martin To Build New FBI Computer System

    Lockheed Martin Corp. will build a new computer system for the FBI in an effort to put to rest the bureau's multimillion-dollar troubles with technology. 03/16/2006

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    Global Knowledge Expands Microsoft Training Network in Europe

    The IT training provider deepens its European operations in 12 countries. 03/16/2006

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    Researchers Warn of Powerful New DoS Attacks

    Security researchers are warning about a new variety of unusually powerful denial of service attacks. 03/16/2006

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    Microsoft Sues Online Auction Scofflaws for Piracy

    Microsoft has sued eight people for selling counterfeit copies of its software through online auction site eBay, the company said this week. 03/16/2006

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    Microsoft Spending $500 Million on 'Largest Ever' Business Marketing Campaign

    Microsoft Corp. announced a $500 million marketing initiative Thursday aimed at competing with IBM Corp. for corporate spending on information technology. 03/16/2006

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    Google To Close AOL Investment in 2Q

    Google Inc. said Thursday it expects to complete its $1 billion investment in America Online during the second quarter, slightly later than the two popular Web sites originally anticipated. 03/16/2006

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    Microsoft To Ship BI Tool for SMBs

    Microsoft this week announced it will ship in June an operational analytics application for decision makers designed to work with its Dynamics brand of software for small and mid-size businesses. 03/16/2006

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    Gates Says Microsoft Committed To Bridging Digital Divide

    Cell phones doing more; computer, TV technology converging closer, says Microsoft chairman 03/16/2006

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    Music Web Site: Breach Exposed Accounts

    Credit card data on music and gear Web site compromised, with several victims coming forward. 03/16/2006

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    Exams 70-447, 70-536 Now Available

    New exam provides MCDBAs with short path to MCITP; new developer exams for application developers now available 03/16/2006

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    Gates Says Microsoft Committed To Bridging Digital Divide

    Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates sketched out a vision for the future in which a cell phone will become a "digital wallet," able to get e-mail and even scan business cards, while computers and TVs will merge. 03/15/2006

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    Computer Researchers Warn of Net Attacks

    New Internet attacks targeting computers that manage global Internet traffic has potential to overwhelm popular Web sites and disrupt e-mails 03/15/2006

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    Microsoft Licenses Live Communications Server Extensions

    Microsoft is turning to a third-party firm to make Microsoft Live Communications Server more interoperable with other communications products based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). 03/15/2006

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    ICANN To Test Non-English Domain Names

    The Internet's key oversight agency has outlined a plan for testing domain names entirely in non-English characters, bringing closer to reality a change highly sought by Asian and Arabic Internet users. 03/15/2006

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    Judge To Order Some Access to Google Database

    Google Inc.'s legal showdown with the Bush administration over the right to protect the privacy of its audience and trade secrets appears to be tilting in the Internet search engine's favor, even though a federal judge has signaled he will order the company to turn over some records to the government. 03/15/2006

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    Microsoft Community Release for SQL Server Service Pack

    Microsoft Wednesday delivered the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2005, including the data mirroring technologies that missed last fall’s release of the big update to Microsoft’s flagship database product. 03/15/2006

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    Microsoft Says EU Refused Open Antitrust Hearing Request

    Microsoft Corp. said Tuesday that the European Commission has refused its request for an open antitrust hearing later this month -- hearings the EU said are never open to the public. 03/14/2006

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    New Office Bulletin Fixes 6 Critical Flaws

    Flaws allowing remote code execution in Microsoft Office and elevation of privilege in Windows were the source for two security bulletins posted by the software giant on Tuesday. 03/14/2006

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    Microsoft Plays to Small Business

    Microsoft this week continues its quest to bring more small business customers into the software fold with its first Small Business Summit, where officials announced options aimed at making it easier for smaller customers to obtain financing. 03/14/2006

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    Best Buy is First National Retailer to Get Gold Certified

    Best Buy became the first national retailer to achieve Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status, the companies said Tuesday. 03/14/2006

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    The Rumors Spread -- Has Vista Slipped?

    An overzealous Microsoft employee may have inadvertently let the cat out of the bag as to when the company plans to release Windows Vista, when he posted to a Microsoft blog on Monday stating it will come out in November. 03/14/2006

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    FBI Computer Project May Hit $500 Million

    The FBI plans to spend up to $500 million building the final piece of its delayed, troubled technology upgrade, yet risks a repeat of earlier missteps that led to excessive costs, according to a government report released Monday. 03/13/2006

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    U.S., Google To Face Off in Court

    The Bush administration will renew its effort to find out what people have been looking for on Google Inc.'s Internet-leading search engine, continuing a legal showdown over how much of the Web's vast databases should be shared with the government. 03/13/2006

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    Partner Watch, March 13

    Sanbolic releases updated file system and volume manager solutions for SAN storage systems. 03/13/2006

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