
  • In-Depth

    Battle of the Blades

    Blade servers from HP and IBM help you pack the maximum amount of storage into the least amount of space. 01/01/2006

  • News

    Open Warfare

    Microsoft and Massachusetts continue sparring over file formats. 01/01/2006

  • 2006 Salary Survey: Time for a Raise!

    The 11th annual salary survey from Redmond magazine shows pay going up. Is yours? 01/01/2006

  • News

    Call for Reviewers: Developer, SQL Exams

    If your plans call for taking the new-generation MCP developer and SQL exams in the next few weeks, tell us how you plan to approach them and what steps you'll take to pass them. 12/29/2005

  • News

    New Zero-Day Exploit Threatens XP Users

    Security experts at F-Secure reported on Tuesday a zero-day exploit that exposes vulnerabilities in the Windows graphics handling engine to enable malware to take control of PCs running fully patched Windows XP SP2. 12/29/2005

  • News

    Outlook “12” To Include RSS Aggregator

    Users of Microsoft’s upcoming Outlook “12” will be able to monitor Really Simply Syndication (RSS) feeds from within the e-mail client, according to a Microsoft official’s Weblog. 12/27/2005

  • News

    Seagate To Buy Maxtor in $1.9 Billion Stock Deal

    Twas the week before Christmas when Seagate Technology announced plans to acquire smaller rival Maxtor in an all stock deal worth an estimated $1.9 billion. 12/27/2005

  • News

    Kai-Fu Lee and Google Settle With Microsoft

    Just as the holiday weekend was about to start, Dr. Kai-Fu Lee got a special Christmas present -- an end to his legal problems surrounding his departure from Microsoft and his simultaneous recruitment by search competitor Google. 12/27/2005

  • News

    EC Warns Microsoft of Pending Fines on Disclosure

    The European Commissioner for Competition warned Microsoft on Thursday that it is facing fines of nearly $2.4 million per day unless it immediately delivers complete documentation of its programming interfaces, particularly those for work group servers, to enable competitors to interoperate with Windows. 12/22/2005

  • News

    New Year Resolution: No More Support for Mac IE

    Microsoft reaffirmed this week that, with the stroke of midnight on Dec. 31, Apple Mac versions of Internet Explorer will no longer be supported. 12/22/2005

  • News

    January: Two More Developer Betas Coming

    .NET-based exams 70-526 and 70-529 get their time in front of developers next month. 12/22/2005

  • News

    IDC: PC Sales Growth To Remain Robust in 2006

    Research group IDC has upgraded its projections of global PC shipment growth for the fourth quarter of 2005 and calendar 2006. It seems that, even as growth slows, it’s nonetheless still continuing to grow, and more quickly than earlier estimates had predicted. 12/22/2005

  • News

    Google Gives a Cool Billion for AOL Stake

    Get ready for more colorful graphics on Google pages. That may be one of the most visible outcomes of a deal between the king of search engines and America Online. 12/21/2005

  • News

    CommVault Releases QiNetx 6.1

    CommVault announced it is shipping version 6.1 of its QiNetix data management suite. 12/21/2005

  • News

    MS and SAP To Preview “Mendocino”

    Microsoft said it and partner SAP will provide a technology preview of their jointly developed “Mendocino” product to 40 customers and 10 partners on Friday, right on schedule. 12/21/2005

  • News

    December Vista Tech Preview Bows

    As promised, after skipping November, Microsoft began shipping the December Windows Vista community technology preview (CTP) to customers and partners this week. Among other features, the latest build debuts a slew of new security capabilities. 12/20/2005

  • The Truth About Microsoft Software Billing Mistakes

    Billing mistakes for Microsoft software happen more often than you might think. And when things go wrong, it's not just the price -- compliance can be affected as well. Here's what to watch out for. 12/20/2005

  • News

    Gates, Bono Share Time's Person of the Year Cover

    What do Bill and Melinda Gates have to do with 11 U.S. Presidents, and dozens of world leaders, great humanitarians, dictators, and just plain interesting people on a list that stretches back to 1927? 12/20/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Research Hires UI Visionary

    Microsoft announced Monday that it has snagged a leading user interface visionary to work in the company's research division. 12/20/2005

  • News

    Action Pack Abusers

    A handful of individuals abused the Microsoft Action Pack program to obtain hundreds of the cheap software bundles and sell the software online and elsewhere, Microsoft has alleged in a flurry of recent lawsuits. 12/19/2005

  • News

    Partner Watch, Dec. 19

    RPG development solutions provider ASNA announces support for Visual Studio. 12/19/2005

  • News

    IT Weekly Roundup, Dec. 16

    From the business wires: Group Policy management software, a solution for migrating customer data into Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, and an 8GB USB flash drive. 12/16/2005

  • News

    Flurry of Microsoft Lawsuits Allege Fraud

    Microsoft filed 10 lawsuits in federal court accusing three companies and nine individuals of illegally selling Microsoft software. 12/15/2005

  • News

    Quest Delivers Group Policy Manager Update

    Quest Software is shipping version 2.5 of its Group Policy Manager tool for creating, testing and implementing Windows Group Policy. 12/15/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Products Get Security Certified

    Microsoft recently took another small step in its Trustworthy Computing initiative by obtaining security certification for a number of updated products. 12/15/2005

  • News

    Visto Sues Microsoft over Windows Mobile

    Redwood Shores, Calif.-based Visto filed suit against Microsoft for patent infringement in connection with Windows Mobile 5, which introduces push e-mail technology similar to Visto’s offerings. 12/15/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Dynamics SL Generally Available

    Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 will be generally available on Monday in the United States and Canada, Microsoft said. 12/15/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Raises Dividend

    Microsoft's board increased the company's quarterly dividend by a penny to $0.09 a share. 12/15/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Ships Exchange '12' Beta

    Role-based administration is a major feature in the beta, which is limited to about 1,400 testers. 12/14/2005

  • News

    Microsoft RTMs Communicator Web Access

    Microsoft finished development this week on the Web access component of its Office Communicator client. 12/14/2005

  • News

    Whale To Bundle ISA 2004

    Microsoft and Whale Communications announced a partnership that enables Whale to sell an integrated solution that combines Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 with the smaller firm’s Intelligent Application Gateway product. 12/14/2005

  • News

    VMware's Secure Browser Appliance

    VMware made a splash in November when it released the free VMware Player, which lets users run pre-built VMware virtual machine configurations on client PCs. Now the company has taken its efforts a step further, teaming with Mozilla and Canonical (the makers of Ubuntu Linux) to create a pre-built virtual machine for the Firefox Web browser. 12/13/2005

  • News

    Visual FoxPro 9 Service Pack 1 Ships

    Microsoft shipped at the end of last week Service Pack 1 for Visual FoxPro 9.0, a quiet update that fixes 200 or so bugs but that adds no new features to the revered database development tool. 12/13/2005

  • News

    Newly Patched IE Flaw Already Being Exploited

    Attackers are already exploiting a critical remote code execution vulnerability in Internet Explorer that Microsoft released a patch for Tuesday. 12/13/2005

  • News

    Firefox Gradually Gaining Against IE

    All of the noise and attention surrounding the release last month of Firefox 1.5 appears to have helped the alternative Web browser’s market share, even if those gains are still only in fractions of percentage points. 12/08/2005

  • News

    It’s a Xen Thing

    XenSource announced this week that it is shipping version 3.0 of its Xen system virtualization environment built on the open source Xen hypervisor. 12/08/2005

  • News

    Two Windows Security Bulletins Coming Next Week

    Microsoft plans to post two security bulletins for Windows next Tuesday, and at least one of them addresses a critical vulnerability. 12/08/2005

  • News

    Developer Exams Waiting in the Wings

    Wave of new developer and IT exams in beta testing during December. 12/08/2005

  • News

    ISVs Jump on Microsoft CRM Opportunity

    It's critical for Microsoft to demonstrate strong partner support for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 launch this week. 12/07/2005

  • News

    FullArmor Extends Policy Compliance

    FullArmor is shipping PolicyPortal, a Web services-based tool designed to automatically enforce Active Directory Group Policy settings on computers that are disconnected from the directory, either temporarily or permanently. 12/07/2005

  • News

    Free Microsoft Add-in Aims To Help Small Retailers

    Microsoft is shipping a free software add-in designed to enable retailers to transfer point-of-sale data, such as transactions and purchase orders, directly into their financial management software. 12/07/2005

  • News

    New Beta of IE7 for XP Coming in Q1

    Microsoft plans to ship the second beta test version of Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP early next year. 12/07/2005

  • News

    South Korea Orders Microsoft to Sell Stripped Windows

    Microsoft officials plan to appeal an antitrust ruling against the company by South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission. 12/07/2005

  • News

    IBM Reinforces Commitment to OpenDoc

    While IBM has previously endorsed the OpenDocument standard, this week it decided to put its money where its public relations message resides and announced that the next version of its Workplace Managed Client will support the format. 12/06/2005

  • News

    Microsoft Ships CRM 3.0 on Schedule

    Microsoft is shipping the second of its “Project Green” – now renamed Microsoft Dynamics – products on schedule, this one its CRM package. 12/06/2005

  • News

    Virtual Server R2 Enterprise Edition Price Cut

    To encourage new virtualization scenarios in Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition, Microsoft will sell the new OS with a half-price version of its server virtualization tool. 12/06/2005

  • News

    Windows Server 2003 R2 RTMs

    Windows Server 2003 R2 reached its final development milestone on Tuesday when Microsoft released the product to manufacturing. The minor update to Windows Server 2003 will be generally available within 60 days. 12/06/2005

  • Security Advisor

    Rootkit Runaround: Protect Yourself Against an Emerging Threat

    A program that can detect rootkits should be an integral part of your security toolbox. 12/01/2005

  • Automate This! Part 4: You Send Me

    In the final installment of this four-part series, Chris shows that the best solution may not be the most elegant one. 12/01/2005

  • Rose-Colored Google Glasses

    Can Google -- or some other company -- change the world of computing? 12/01/2005

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