
  • Computers Make You Stupid

    Do we rely on our electronic counterparts too much? 05/01/2006

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    EU Judges Asked to Toss Out Microsoft Fine

    Microsoft lawyers contend that EU fines don't fit the infraction; seek reduction or outright end to EU suit. 04/28/2006

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    IBM Unveils Mainframe "Lite"

    Hoping to expand the market for its signature piece of hardware, IBM Corp. is rolling out a less expensive version of its top mainframe computer Thursday. 04/27/2006

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    CEO: Intel to Undergo Broad Restructuring

    Intel Corp. will undergo a broad restructuring that will focus on every aspect of the chip-maker's operations, Chief Executive Paul Otellini told analysts Thursday. 04/27/2006

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    Microsoft, EU Tussle over Software Code Access for Rivals

    Microsoft Corp. sparred Thursday with its rivals about how much information it should give them to make servers more compatible as judges questioned both sides in the European Commission's antitrust fight over what code could be divulged without giving away trade secrets. 04/27/2006

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    Microsoft CEO Sees Software Prices Falling

    Software prices could fall as companies develop subscription sales and other alternative ways of marketing applications over smarter Web browsers, Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said Thursday. 04/27/2006

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    NetIQ Ships Group Policy Administrator v5

    NetIQ is shipping version 5 of its Group Policy Administrator package, an update that includes support for after-hours Group Policy Object (GPO) deployment as well as cross-trust management. 04/26/2006

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    Microsoft Updates Roadmap at MMS

    At its management show, Microsoft unveils a new System Center service desk product, renames MOM and SMS and makes Exchange Server 2007 official. 04/26/2006

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    .NET, SQL Server Exams Debut This Week

    Microsoft to release two more next-generation MCP exams for SQL Server experts, Windows developers. 04/26/2006

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    Intel Offers Support for Net Legislation

    Intel Corp. has waded into the debate over the future of the Internet, joining major Web companies in supporting legislation that would force Internet service providers to treat all traffic equally. 04/26/2006

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    Microsoft Unveils New SMS Features

    Besides changing Systems Management Server’s name this week, Microsoft opened the veil on new features coming in the next major release, dubbed "Systems Center Configuration Manager 2007." 04/26/2006

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    Longhorn Server – Slip Sliding Away?

    The other shoe finally dropped. Microsoft admitted this week that Windows Longhorn Server will ship in the second half of 2007 rather than in early 2007 as the company, many customers and analysts had hoped. 04/26/2006

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    VMware Rolls Out Virtual Desktop Alliance

    Virtualization software developer VMware is moving to popularize and standardize its virtual desktop technologies in enterprise IT through a new trade alliance. 04/25/2006

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    Computer Associates Ex-CEO Pleads Guilty to Business Fraud

    Sanjay Kumar, the former CEO of Computer Associates International Inc., pleaded guilty on Monday to obstruction of justice and securities fraud charges in a massive accounting scandal at the Long Island-based software company. 04/25/2006

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    Microsoft to Unveil New Internet Explorer

    Microsoft's market-leading browser faces competition from smaller players. 04/25/2006

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    Microsoft Ships Beta 2 of IE7 for XP

    Microsoft on Monday evening released Beta 2 for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP Service Pack 2, an overhaul of the browser featuring enhanced security and a redesigned user interface. 04/25/2006

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    McNealy Ends 22-Year Run as Sun CEO

    Wall Street's tepid reaction to Scott McNealy's exit as CEO of Sun Microsystems Inc. underscored a question on many investors' minds: Can Jonathan Schwartz, the ex-chief's ponytailed protege and hand-picked successor, reverse the company's long slide? 04/25/2006

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    Microsoft, EU Face Off over Antitrust Issues

    Redmond giant's latest antitrust court drama begins Monday. 04/24/2006

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    Intel To Ship Security-Enhanced VPro Chip

    Chip-maker Intel Corp., trying to stave off further encroachment by rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc., showed off technology designed to help businesses automate the management of large fleets of personal computers. 04/24/2006

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    Dispatch from Dallas

    Microsoft Business Solutions Group's annual Convergence conference, which focuses on the company's business applications, drew thousands of customers and partners to Dallas in late March. 04/24/2006

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    Partner Watch, April 24

    SurfControl partners with En Pointe in a global VAR agreement. 04/24/2006

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    A Q&A with Sam Jadallah

    Since leaving Microsoft seven years ago, Sam Jadallah has stayed close to the industry and Microsoft. Currently, he's a general partner at the Menlo Park, Calif., venture capital firm Mohr Davidow Ventures. One of the sectors he invests in for the firm is software, which makes his inside knowledge of Microsoft highly valuable. In an e-mail interview with Redmond Channel Partner magazine, Jadallah assessed the changes in the Microsoft Partner Program since his departure. 04/24/2006

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    Microsoft's Gates Takes High-Tech to Vietnam

    Gates gets rockstar-like treatment as thousands come out to greet him during his visit to give Vietnamese high-tech efforts a boost. 04/22/2006

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    Microsoft To Defend Business Practices in EU Antitrust Appeal

    Microsoft will fight for the way it conducts future business next week as it urges the European Union's second highest court to overturn an antitrust ruling that ordered it to pay a record $613 million fine. 04/21/2006

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    Microsoft's Subpoena for IBM Docs Rejected

    Latest effort to obtain documents in its EU antitrust case fails. 04/21/2006

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    Linux Distributors Unite on Standard

    In a move to make the freely distributed Linux operating system a stronger alternative to Microsoft Corp.'s Windows, a group of major Linux distributors announced Friday they have united on a standard set of components for desktop versions of Linux. 04/21/2006

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    Flawed April Security Bulletin Slated for Re-Release Tuesday

    Microsoft will re-release one of its April security bulletins on Tuesday to fix a flaw in the patch that caused applications to crash on systems running either an older Hewlett-Packard utility or certain NVIDIA drivers. 04/21/2006

  • Patents, Patches and Patently Absurd Ideas

    Microsoft's most recent patch Tuesday wasn't just about security, it also patched a licensing problem. Here's why you can expect to see more patches like this in the future, and why patches won't be the end of it. 04/21/2006

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    Court Squashes Microsoft's IBM Subpoena

    A New York court has quashed a Microsoft Corp. subpoena aimed at compelling IBM to hand over documents related to the software giants's European antitrust case. 04/21/2006

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    Man Charged with Hacking USC Network

    A 25-year-old man has been charged with hacking into the University of Southern California's computer system and accessing information about student applicants. 04/21/2006

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    Linux Distros Unite on Standard for Desktops

    Free Standards Group releases latest desktop standard set of components. 04/21/2006

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    PC Shipments Rise in Q1

    While PC sales are on the uptick, Dell still manages to lose ground to rivals HP and Lenovo. 04/20/2006

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    Report: Phones Outflanking Notebooks for Web Access

    Think accessing the Web from your mobile phone is an idea whose time hasn't yet -- and may never -- come? But you hate lugging even a three-pound notebook everywhere you go? 04/20/2006

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    N.Y. County Enacts Wireless Security Law

    Westchester County on Thursday enacted a law that is designed to limit identity theft by forcing local businesses to install basic security measures for any wireless network that stores customers' credit card numbers or other financial information. 04/20/2006

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    Apple Profit Rises 41 Percent

    Apple Computer Inc. said Wednesday its second-quarter profit rose 41 percent, beating Wall Street estimates, as sales of its iPod players continued to soar and Macintosh computer shipments increased by 4 percent. 04/20/2006

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    Zenprise Updates Exchange Management Software

    Exchange administrators are constantly under the gun to keep their messaging servers up and running without hiccups. And Zenprise is giving those companies a bit more insurance in that regard with the latest release of the company's flagship product, Zenprise 2.0, the service-management software for Microsoft Exchange. 04/20/2006

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    Intel Slashes Spending Plans as Income Falls 38 Percent

    Investors looking for signs of just how painful the past few quarters have been for Intel Corp. need look no further than the company's revised spending plans. 04/20/2006

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    Gates To Give Japanese Groups Technology

    Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates reaffirmed the U.S. software company's commitment to the Japanese market Friday as he kicked off a campaign here to offer some free technology help to nonprofit organizations. 04/20/2006

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    PC Shipments Rise 13 Percent in 1st Quarter

    Computer shipments rose at a faster-than-expected 13 percent worldwide in the first quarter, and the No. 1 PC maker, Dell Inc., lost ground to rivals, two technology research firms reported Wednesday. 04/20/2006

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    Google Upgrades Corporate Search Engine

    Hoping to become less dependent on Internet advertising, online search engine leader Google Inc. is introducing a tool designed to make it easier for companies and their workers to find vital information scattered across a maze of complex software applications. 04/19/2006

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    Yahoo Accused of Helping China Arrest Another Dissident

    Yahoo Inc. turned over a draft e-mail from one of its users to Chinese authorities, who used the information to jail the man on subversion charges, according to the verdict from his 2003 trial released Wednesday by a rights group. It was the third time the U.S.-based Internet company has been accused of helping put a Chinese user in prison. 04/19/2006

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    On-Time Delivery for SQL Server 2005 SP1 

    Microsoft on Wednesday announced it is shipping Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2005, on schedule. 04/19/2006

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    Microsoft Wins Another Round in Antitrust Suit for Partner Sales

    Businesses and consumers who purchased computers with Microsoft Corp. software preinstalled or bought the company's programs through a reseller can't sue for antitrust violations, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. 04/19/2006

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    IBM First-Quarter Earnings Up 22 Percent

    The residual effects of sweeping cost cuts helped first-quarter earnings at International Business Machines Corp. increase 22 percent and beat analysts' expectations Tuesday despite minor revenue growth. 04/19/2006

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    Intel Shares Slip Ahead of 1Q Earnings Report

    In April 2003, Intel Corp. rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. released "Opteron," a revolutionary microprocessor for server computers that ran in the standard 32-bit mode or in a more advanced 64-bit mode. 04/19/2006

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    Cassatt Ships Management Tool for Collage

    Cassatt Corp. announced it is shipping an add-on for its Collage virtualization platform that aims to provide unified and automated management for both physical servers and virtual machines (VM) -- and in a vendor neutral fashion. 04/19/2006

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    Wash. State Settles Spyware Lawsuit

    An Oregon man will pay nearly $84,000 in fines and consumer restitution for using e-mail to market bogus anti-spyware software called Spyware Cleaner, Washington state officials said in announcing a settlement. 04/19/2006

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    Court Rejects Microsoft EU Document Request

    A Massachusetts court has rejected a Microsoft Corp. request to force software rival Novell Inc. to hand over European Union correspondence that Microsoft claims it needs to defend itself against antitrust charges in Europe. 04/18/2006

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    Marathon Ships High Availability Virtualization Solution

    Marathon Technologies announced Monday it is shipping a new virtualization solution that provides high availability for applications at a lower price point than traditional clustering. On top of that, the company claims, it’s easier and less expensive than traditional clusters to deploy and manage. 04/18/2006

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    Microsoft Cleared in Class-Action Lawsuit

    Consumers who bought PCs with Microsoft software preinstalled on systems or on purchased PCs from resellers can't sue for antitrust violations, says federal appeals court. 04/18/2006

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