
  • Exchange 12: Better Than Ever

    64-bit power, better management add up to a compelling product. 04/01/2006

  • In-Depth

    Tour de SQL Part I: Versions

    Join us on a journey through the lush fields and tricky backroads of SQL Server 2005. 04/01/2006

  • Security Advisor

    A Wall Around Your Servers

    Using IPsec policies for server isolation is easier than you think. 04/01/2006

  • In-Depth

    Where the Heck Are We?

    Microsoft's MapPoint is a solid business-savvy mapping tool, but it needs more frequent updates. 04/01/2006

  • Speak No Evil

    Politics pervades all things, including technology. 04/01/2006

  • In-Depth

    9 Perfect Password Pointers

    Passwords are often the weakest part of a security infrastructure. Here are nine ways to make them one of the strongest. 04/01/2006

  • Service Control Freak

    Services are invaluable, but be sure to keep them from taking over. 04/01/2006

  • Your Network at Your Fingertips

    Manage multiple jobs across multiple platforms from a single console. 04/01/2006

  • Foley on Microsoft

    Windows Vista Testing: The School of Hard Knocks

    Microsoft's made some improvements with its Vista beta testing program, but it could be doing more. 04/01/2006

  • News

    A Delicate Balance?

    U.S. Internet service firms face ethical questions in China. 04/01/2006

  • In-Depth

    Extreme Computing

    IT is being applied in some of the most extreme and inhospitable places on -- and above -- the Earth. 04/01/2006

  • Windows Insider

    The Guiding Lights

    Harden your computers' defenses with the tips in these Microsoft studies. 04/01/2006

  • Database Scrambled. No Backups. What Now?

    One reader encounters every IT administrator's worst nightmare (and learn one of many uses of a hotel sink). 04/01/2006

  • On Track and On Time

    Group Policy Manager keeps a tight grip on policy updates. 04/01/2006

  • News

    IT Weekly Roundup, March 31

    From the business wires this week: Idera gets Front Runner status, BizTalk and NAP supporters, and recent Microsoft product delays. 03/31/2006

  • News

    Microsoft 'Optimistic' After Start of EU Trial

    Microsoft lawyers maintain that company has complied more than necessary, but still faces major fines if found in violation of 2004 antitrust order. 03/31/2006

  • News

    U.S. Demands Files From ISPs, Tech Firms

    The Justice Department is demanding internal files from dozens of Internet service providers and other technology firms as it seeks to defend a controversial Internet child protection law. 03/31/2006

  • News

    Outside Programmers Fix Microsoft Flaws

    Third-party vendors come to customers' rescue, but what are the risks of using a fix that isn't Microsoft approved? 03/31/2006

  • News

    2006 MCT Program Reg Opens April 3

    Registration for Microsoft's 2006 MCT program opens up Monday, April 3. 03/30/2006

  • News

    Ipsos: Global Internet Growth Slowed in 2005

    Demand for Web access may not be as limitless as it once seemed, at least for the time being, according to a new survey of worldwide Internet usage. 03/30/2006

  • News

    EU: Vista May Violate Antitrust Rules

    EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes has written to Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer to outline EU concerns that the new Vista operating system could break antitrust rules, EU spokesman Jonathan Todd said Wednesday. 03/30/2006

  • News

    Microsoft Updates, Renames FrontBridge

    Microsoft Corp. is releasing new versions of its software packages for safeguarding and archiving e-mails and other corporate messages. 03/30/2006

  • News

    Microsoft to License Mouse Technologies

    Microsoft will license to third parties technologies previously unavailable to competitors in the input hardware marketplace. 03/30/2006

  • News

    Microsoft Convergence Wrap-up

    Surf’s up at Microsoft, and partners had better be ready to catch some waves. 03/30/2006

  • News

    Microsoft Business Solutions Get Incremental Enhancements

    Microsoft’s Business Solutions group this week made a flurry of small but substantial announcements regarding upgrades and additions to the company’s Dynamics branded line of CRM and ERP applications. 03/29/2006

  • News

    EU Concerned Windows Vista Could Break Antitrust Rules

    Investigation not pending, but commission wonders about integration of new features that can put Microsoft back into antitrust violation. 03/29/2006

  • News

    Virtual Server Service Pack Skates into 2007

    Microsoft confirmed this week that Service Pack 1 for Virtual Server 2005 R2 will arrive in early 2007 instead of late this year, although the company says it doesn’t categorize the change as a “slip.” Instead, according to a spokesperson, Microsoft is merely able to be more precise about a delivery date as it gets closer to testing the update. 03/29/2006

  • News

    BizTalk 2006 Availability Set for May 1

    Microsoft officially launched BizTalk Server 2006, the latest version of its integration and business process automation server, for the second time this week. 03/28/2006

  • News

    Report: U.S. Leads Global IT Rankings

    Singapore slides from first to second in World Economic Forum's "network readiness index" 03/28/2006

  • News

    U.S. Tops Network Readiness Index

    The United States has regained the lead in exploiting information and communication technology, overtaking Singapore, said a study released Tuesday. 03/28/2006

  • News

    Bluetooth Going Ultra-Wideband

    The Bluetooth wireless standard used in cell phones and other small devices will take a leap in transmission speed, broadening its scope to enable high-definition video and files for digital music players like the iPod. 03/28/2006

  • News

    Microsoft, Yahoo Building Data Storage Centers in Rural Wash.

    In the heart of potato country, a high-tech boom is taking place. Technology giants Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo Inc. are planning to build massive data storage centers amid the sagebrush and farm fields of rural central Washington. 03/28/2006

  • News

    BMC Buys Identify Software for $150 Million

    BMC Software Inc. said Monday it has agreed to buy diagnostic software maker Identify Software Ltd. for $150 million in cash. 03/28/2006

  • News

    Eu Launches Online Debate On Bloc's Future

    European Union turing to the Internet to get public debate rolling on defining EU's future direction. 03/27/2006

  • News

    High-Tech Lobby Hoping For Gains From Immigration Debate

    Increase sought on H-1B visas for high-tech workers from cap of 65,000 per year to 115,000 per year. 03/27/2006

  • News

    Spam Company Settles FTC Suit for $900K

    An Internet marketing company that offered free movie tickets in exchange for friends' e-mail addresses agreed to pay a $900,000 fine to settle charges it violated federal anti-spam laws, authorities said Friday. 03/27/2006

  • News

    IDC: PC Market Growth to Slow for a Few Years

    The personal computer market's rapid growth will slow in the next few years because a recent rebound in computer replacements has left many customers with systems that won't soon need replacing, according to a forecast Monday from a technology research firm. 03/27/2006

  • News

    Microsoft Touts Hybrid Model for Dynamics

    Microsoft Corp. wants to sell smaller businesses on the idea that its products can offer the traditional benefits of desktop computer software while taking advantage of growing Web-based tools. 03/27/2006

  • News

    Next Version of Office to Ship in 2007

    Microsoft gave official word this week that the next version of Office will coincide with the general availability of Windows Vista in January 2007. 03/24/2006

  • News

    Exploit Code Discovered for Unpatched IE Flaw

    This week security researchers announced that exploit code taking advantage of an unpatched IE flaw has been published on the Web. 03/24/2006

  • News

    Security Woes Hamper Microsoft Release

    New innovations, Gates' trusted computing initiative of 2002 continue to keep Vista developers on their collective toes. 03/24/2006

  • News

    One More .NET Exam Goes Live in March

    Microsoft releases exam for MCTS: .NET Framework - Distributed candidates this week. 03/23/2006

  • News

    Microsoft Reorganizes Windows Group

    Microsoft Corp. announced a broad reorganization Thursday of the unit that produces its flagship Windows operating system, two days after the company said the new consumer version of Windows would not be ready for the holiday season as planned. 03/23/2006

  • News

    Apple, Consumer Electronics May Gain from Vista Delay

    Microsoft Corp.'s delay in releasing the consumer version of its new Windows operating system is a blow to companies that make and sell computers, but perhaps good news for others in the electronics industry. 03/23/2006

  • News

    Microsoft Announces Windows Unit Shake-Up

    Office biz exec Steve Sinofsky moved to Windows group. 03/23/2006

  • News

    Check Point Abandons Snort Purchase Due to U.S. Security Concerns

    A leading Israeli software company abandoned its plans Thursday to buy a smaller U.S. rival in a $225 million deal because of national security objections by the Bush administration. 03/23/2006

  • News

    Azaleos Offers 'Full Fidelity' Disaster Recovery Solution

    A firm in Redmond, Washington is claiming it can deliver 99.999 percent uptime on Microsoft Exchange Server with a new service offering available immediately. Here's the surprise – it's not Microsoft. 03/23/2006

  • News

    Microsoft Developing Handwriting Software

    Microsoft Corp. is working with Brown University to develop software that will recognize complex handwriting and gestures. 03/23/2006

  • News

    IDC: IT Spending Will Grow 6.3 Percent in 2006

    While the retail mavens may be predicting a dour Christmas over late delivery of Windows Vista, researcher IDC's latest forecasts paint a somewhat sunnier picture. 03/23/2006

  • News

    New Plastic Semiconductors Break Speed Record

    Researchers have developed an ultra-thin plastic that allows an electrical charge to pass through it at speeds never before seen, a discovery that could dramatically drive down the cost of flat-panel monitors and other devices. 03/23/2006

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