E-Mail Threats Remain Biggest Malware Concern
Anti-virus software specialist BitDefender put out its list of top 10 malware
threats for August 2007, which continued to be dominated by e-mails threats
and showed very little change in the order of rankings.
In fact, the only new threat cracking the top 10 is a highly sophisticated
rootkit called Trojan.Kobcka.A, which is likely used to hide mass-mailer viruses,
according to BitDefender.
"The fact that Trojan.Kobcka racked up 1.24 percent of the total malware
detections and made it into our top 10 suggests that we may see it or new variants
of it infect even more machines in the coming months," said Viorel Canja,
head of BitDefender Labs.
Topping the list was the Peed Trojan, also commonly referred to as Storm.
According to BitDefender, the use of a Windows metafile rendering exploit --
which made its first appearance at the tail-end of 2005 and was patched against
in 2006 -- grabbed the second spot. BitDefender officials said they found this
to be a somewhat disturbing development because it indicates the large number
of unpatched machines that are still in use.
The top 10 list includes:
- Trojan.Peed.Gen (24.7%)
- Exploit.Win32.WMF-PFV (21.5%)
- BehavesLike:Trojan.Downloader (19.06%)
- Win32.Netsky.P@mm (5.89%)
- Trojan.Pandex.H (2.54%)
- Win32.NetSky.D@mm (1.92%)
- Win32.Nyxem.E@mm (1.80%)
- Win32.Netsky.AA@mm (1.80%)
- Trojan.Kobcka.A (1.24%)
- Win32.Sality.M (1.24%)
BitDefender officials claim the August 2007 top 10 list of malware accounts
for 81.69 percent of the total number of viruses seen in circulation.
Details on the latest malware turned loose on the world can be seen at the
company's site here.
Posted by Ed Scannell on 09/06/2007 at 1:23 PM