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VPN Password Flaw Packs Punch

I have some major concerns with how some exploits are created, released and publicized. I'm glad we have security experts to tighten our security. When they write virus definitions, develop security tools and help us understand how to protect ourselves, they do a great service.

Part of what they do is to create exploits to show us where the flaws lie. The problem is these exploits can then be used to attack us. This is apparently what may be happening with two attack tools shown at a recent Defcon event. One tool steals passwords from Wi-Fi networks and then nabs the traffic that flows over these networks. The other tool cracks the passwords it finds. A nice little one-two punch.

So why on earth were these tools, harmful as they are, released?

Microsoft, probably scratching its head like me, released a security advisory but has no security update to stop the attacks. I'd check out my Microsoft advisories for more details and advice.

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/27/2012 at 1:19 PM


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