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VMware's Simpler CPU-Based Pricing

VMworld is happening in Vegas this week, and dang I wish I were there. Not only is it in a great city (I don't even gamble but I hear it offers other vices) but VMware puts on one heckuva show.

I've only been once, the first year Paul Maritz took over as CEO, and there were some 10,000 attendees who were all plenty pumped (for the show, not just to be in Las Vegas).

This year those that lost at the tables won with VMware licensing. You see, VMware had this cockamamie pricing scheme where you paid based on how much memory you used. Sounds complicated and it was. But even worse, it could be way more expensive.

At one of the keynotes, execs showed a slide with vRAM crossed out, much to the delight of the audience.

Were you hit with the vRAM tax? What is the dumbest or most egregious pricing move you've ever seen? War stories welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/29/2012 at 1:19 PM


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