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pcAnywhere Doesn't Go by Internet Time

Remember Internet time, when everything had to ship fast and change constantly or else you were dead? Well Symantec's pcAnywhere goes by a different clock. Remember when the hacker group Anonymous stole the Symantec source code? Turns out the stolen source code has been analyzed and the product hasn't really changed in a decade.

For many this is an affront to modern software development. Imagine charging for such an old product.

On the other hand, newer code leads to new exploits, is often bloated and simply isn't as good as the old stuff. When was the last time you have to replace a power window motor in a 57 Chevy?

And let's face it,  in the age of LogMeIn and others, pcAnywhere wasn't going anywhere!

Posted by Doug Barney on 02/29/2012 at 1:19 PM


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