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Win 8 to the Test

We have had a feature-light Windows 8 "developer preview" to try out since last September, and if my fingers are accurate, that is about six months. Later this month (or early next) Microsoft is expected to release a test version to the public.

This is good news all around. The broad public will get to pound on this thing, offering valuable feedback and having fun in the process.

It also marks a milestone. IT and developers can handle early code. The rest are willing to test unfinished software, but don't want to fight the program just to get simple stuff done.

That means this new test version should be what we all used to call a beta before Microsoft came up with a gaggle of confusing and self-indulgent names for test software (whatever happened to alpha, beta and released?).

Posted by Doug Barney on 02/13/2012 at 1:19 PM


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