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Doug's Mailbag: No Love for McAfee

After Intel acquired McAfee last week, Doug asked if you were a friend or foe with the antivirus company. Here's some of your responses:

FOE, big time. As an IT support professional it causes me no end of problems. But from another point of view, that's great because it causes us to have to bill a lot more support hours! Seriously though, we do have our clients 'interests' at heart and, as a rule, we do not recommend this product to our clients, nor do we recommend Trend. We usually push Webroot Corporate Edition (Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus). Something occasionally does get through, but often that's because clients cancel their sweeps or don't leave computers on at night to allow full sweeps to take place.

I use Sunbelt Software's Vipre. It is much better, less of a resource hog and it catches things McAfee doesn't have a clue about.

Hopefully, if Intel is going to install McAfee at the firmware level, they will allow us to disable it.

My opinion: in its present form, McAfee is like the proverbial 'bull in a china store' and is just about useless. (Also, their sales staff won't leave you alone!)

I don't like AVG, McAfee or Trend Micro. Microsoft's Security Essentials, ForeFront Client Security (FCS) and ForeFront EndPoint Protection (FEP) are the only antiviruses I have used lately. They have caught all viruses and stopped network outage at several customers I manage.


So, I guess the answer is NO!

Why would Intel buy a product that simply does not work?

McAfee is THE ONLY company that is worse is Symantec. What they did to BackupExec is simply unbelievable. Intel made a bad move. Their products are just too random.

Up until the last few years, I would have said a fan. The problem I have had with their software over the last couple of years is the bloat factor. Getting fatter and fatter while hurting client performance. The protection has been grand, but the client pain has hurt.

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Posted by Doug Barney on 08/27/2010


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