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Unified Communication Still More Hype than Reality

Over a decade ago, I covered unified communications; back then, everyone from Microsoft to Novell was talking about not just blending voicemail and e-mail, but tying all your devices -- like cell phones, pagers and Palms (remember those things?) -- together.

The emergence of VoIP should've made all this much, much easier, but when it comes to UC, we aren't really any closer than we were 12 years ago.

Some of you have figured all of this out and have effective UC strategies. You're a minority, and I'm envious. Most of us still have unintegrated pockets of contacts, messages and data -- work phones, home phones, home office phones, cell phones, corporate e-mail and private e-mail. How do you make all this work together? Solutions welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 10/02/2008 at 1:16 PM


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