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VMware CEO's Big Splash

New VMware CEO Paul Maritz stood in front of a crowd of (I'd have to guess) thousands and, like Sarah Palin, gave the speech of his life. What's the difference between a former VMware CEO and a pitbull? Lipstick. And if you put lipstick on Hyper-V, it's still Hyper-V.

No, Maritz really didn't say any of those things. In fact, that's probably the lamest joke I've ever penned (send barbs my way at [email protected]).

The Maritz talk wasn't quite as well-received as Palin's convention speech. Virtualization Review Editor Keith Ward wasn't impressed, whereas I thought Martitz came across as thoughtful, highly technical and one not afraid of pushing the envelope.

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/17/2008 at 1:16 PM


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