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TNT Software Blasts Out Upgrade

TNT Software, a veteran in the event log management and server monitoring space, just upgraded its flagship product -- with an eye toward Vista and Windows Server 2008.

The company actually changed its plans midstream, according to VP of Sales and Marketing Brent Skadsen.

"Our plan was to rush out an interim build of ELM to support the adoption of Windows Server 2008 and Vista. Originally, the scope was to efficiently monitor systems running these new operating systems," he said. "Then, it expanded to run on the platform. As the project developed, it became clear, supporting Windows Server 2008 required monitoring 64-bit systems and adding a mechanism to manage the higher event log frequency. In addition to boosting the performance and scalability, filtering features were designed to reduce the event noise."

What do you use to monitor servers, and would you recommend that tool to others? Experiences welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 09/04/2008 at 1:16 PM


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