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The Top 3 Virtualization Vendors Are Who and What?!

I've been writing a lot about virtualization lately, for two reasons. For one, I think it's a pretty dang important subject. For another, I helped launch Virtualization Review, our new magazine and Web site, so I'm pretty steeped in all things virtual.

Having this little bit of knowledge gives me big opinions. So when Saugatuck Research released a report claiming that Citrix, VMware and Cisco are the three most powerful forces in virtualization, I almost choked on my Cheerios.

Actually, I only disagree 66.6 percent. Citrix, maybe. It has Xen and the best lineup of desktop virt tools. And VMware, absolutely. But Cisco? Not this year, and not next. Cisco has a tool called VFrame that helps virtualize networks and I/O, but when I asked IBM's virtualization guru about it, she had never heard of it. And IBM resells VFrame!

Am I writing too much or too little about virtualization? Compliments and complaints welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 07/30/2008 at 1:15 PM


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