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Storage Guru Offers Reality Check

Like any community of vendors, the storage industry pumps out more hype than a Hollywood premiere. Jon William Toigo has seen it all, but as a true storage expert he easily separates fact from fiction, wheat from chaff, truth from marketing hooey.

This article he wrote is a fairly long read, but well worth it. Here are a few highlights for those with tight schedules:

Toigo, in mentioning the 10-year anniversary of the SAN, goes on to predict the death of fibre channel. I won't shed any tears. It never made sense to me to network storage with fibre and computers with Ethernet.

Toigo also predicts that Microsoft will have huge success in the virtualization market, and will "win the day over third-party virtualization wares."

Mr. Toigo sure ain't shy with his opinions!

Posted by Doug Barney on 03/03/2008 at 1:15 PM


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