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Leopard Making Friends, Influencing Users

Redmond magazine just completed a major reader survey (thanks to all who took the time to answer our many questions!), and the news on Vista is not good. While there's massive excitement about Windows Server 2008, Vista adoption is anemic. Apple is taking full advantage of this in the consumer market, making millions with overpriced but solid and easy to use laptops and desktops.

Apple's laptop hardware, I've found, is as flaky as any HP or Dell I've ever owned, but the things never crash or get fatally infected with viruses. If you can afford to pay double or triple for the same amount of hardware, the Mac is the machine for you!

For many, the price is worth it. In fact, Leopard users tend to be a pretty happy lot, at least according to ChangeWave Research. Over 80 percent of Leopard users are "very satisfied." Roughly half of XP users are that happy. And Vista really took it on the chin -- only 15 percent of Vista Home Basic users are "very satisfied."

Posted by Doug Barney on 01/21/2008 at 1:15 PM


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