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Solaris on Mainframes?

IBM and Sun have reached a major agreement that seems aimed at thwarting Hewlett-Packard. The first part of the deal -- calling for Solaris to run on IBM Intel-based servers -- sounds a little silly: Solaris has run on Intel for years.

But plans to port Solaris to IBM Big Iron is a whole 'nuther story. This is potentially a very big deal. As servers proliferate, there's not just management complexity but huge electric bills, as well.

One approach to consolidate these servers is virtualization. Another is to run apps on bigger servers, and they don't come any bigger than a mainframe (supercomputers aside).

Have you looked at rationalizing your infrastructure, and are mainframes making a comeback? Have any of you looked at Microsoft's Infrastructure Optimization model and, if so, what do you think of it? Let us all know by writing [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 08/20/2007 at 1:15 PM


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