Despite the frequency in cyberattacks against government networks, no major agency has fully secured its computers to the specifications in two major White House protection initiatives, a pair of new reports said.
- By Matthew Weigelt
- 04/13/2010
This month is among the busiest, with patches coming from Microsoft, Adobe and others. Plus: Black Hat Tech Con tackles Web-originated attacks; looking for motives in the cyberspying world.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/12/2010
Microsoft rolled out the Security Compliance Manager tool on Thursday to help IT pros manage baseline security in Windows.
- By Herb Torrens
- 04/09/2010
Expect a whopper patch next week, as Microsoft is planning to release 11 fixes in its April security update.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/08/2010
Even the Dali Lama isn't safe from hacking, according to a report released on Tuesday.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/08/2010
Nearly half of U.S. IT professionals surveyed believe that the risks of cloud computing outweigh its benefits.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/07/2010
With April's planned patch releases, Microsoft sets pace to exceed 2009's fixes. Plus: Conficker, a year later; how you set admin rights may be key to overall security, says one vendor.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 04/05/2010
How to keep your corporate e-mail and info safe when employees use iPhones to access data.
- By Joern Wettern
- 04/01/2010
Microsoft today released its second "critical" off-cycle patch for Internet Explorer this year.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/30/2010
The software-as-a-service security market is booming, according to a report by Infonetics Research.
- By Herb Torrens
- 03/30/2010
Even a fire-proof safe needs additional protective measures, and Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 is no different.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/29/2010
Attacks on government systems, U.S. interests on the rise.
- By Amber Corrin
- 03/29/2010
Symantec Corp. rolled out a new hosted service today that warns organizations of attacks on their Web sites as the attacks are happening.
Datacenter virtualization projects can open up security issues, according to research from Gartner.
- By Kathleen Hickey
- 03/22/2010
Microsoft reacted this week to a claim that its Virtual PC hypervisor contains a security hole.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/18/2010
The Jericho Forum proposes security vendors self-assess and certify their security capabilities. Plus: Microsoft might release IE off-cycle update; Koobface shows itself, again.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/16/2010
According to a report by messaging security specialist MessageLabs, spam now accounts for close to 90 percent of all e-mail traffic.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- 03/16/2010
Microsoft and Adobe are working together on the security patch process.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 03/16/2010
Data analyst allegedly inserted code after being told he was losing his job.
- By Kevin McCaney
- 03/16/2010
The FTC has notified almost 100 organizations that personal information had been shared from their networks and made available on P2P file-sharing sites.
- By William Jackson
- 03/16/2010