
Facebook Smartly Pulls Tracking App

A somewhat good idea receives a terrible execution.

Hackers' Lives Made Easier Thanks to the Cloud

A cloud-based server means a hacker can get to it from any location.

Predictions and Suggestions for Microsoft's Upcoming Product Lineup

Brien discusses some of the changes Microsoft is going through with its products' latest lifecycle and provides some suggestions for what he would like to see.

Hacker Apparently Lied About Massive Bank Breaches

If you lie on the Internet, expect to be called out quickly.

Stretching Surface Speculation to Security

Will Microsoft's Surface help to bring in good security practices into the tablet world?

Mobile Management with Intune Misses the Mark

Windows 8 on mobile devices will be managed with Microsoft's cloud-based management tool. Here's why that's a bad thing.

Microsoft's Intune Beefs Up Cloud, Mobile Integration

Intune 3.0 is now available for download.

RCE Fixes Win the Attention of June's Microsoft Patch

Four of the seven bulletins address RCE flaws.

MySQL Databases Let Loose User Passwords

Hackers could access your database in seconds.

UE-V: Roaming Profiles That Actually Work?

Microsoft may finally solve a major Windows admin headache with this addition to the Microsoft Desktop Optimization package.

Cloud Benefits 101: Provisioning and Encrypted Storage

Beyond the flexibility and costs savings of cloud computing are certain tactical advantages like automated provisioning and encrypted storage. This quick primer by cloud security expert Vic Winkler will give you the pros and cons of each.

Cyber Warfare Is Out in the Open

Stuxnet was reportedly created by the U.S. and Israel.

Was the Flame Malware Spread Microsoft's Fault?

Unauthentic certificates are to blame.

Change Your LinkedIn Passwords. Now.

And your eHarmony password accounts, while you're at it.

Why Does Microsoft Keep Partnering with Underdogs?

Microsoft has a lot riding on partnerships with Yahoo!, Nokia and Barnes & Noble. Mary Jo Foley wonders why, and what the impact would be of any of these go under.

Windows Server Auditing: Third-Party Solutions Are a Good Thing!

Why the one size-fits-all approach wouldn't work for you or Microsoft.

An Insider's Guide to TechEd, Part 2

In this entry, Brien shares some knowledge and pointers on tackling the sessions and the exhibit hall of TechEd.

June Reader Letters: Mac vs. PC

Redmond readers chime in on why a Windows Admin might want to use a Mac and more.

Iran Flamed With Surveillance Malware

This doesn't look like it was for monetary gain.

The Cost of Keeping Windows XP

Is running an older OS really more expensive than migrating to a new version?

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