Security Advisor

MySQL Databases Let Loose User Passwords

In this edition's "Password Breach of the Week" story, news recently surfaced that an attacker could gain access to MySQL databases thanks to a flaw that will verify an incorrect password as correct.

While the flaw isn't found in all systems (and those running MySQL and its brother MariaDB databases on Windows are safe), this open door could give hackers access to all your info stored using the SQL language.

According to folks in the MariaDB camp, this flaw has the probability of popping up once in every 256 attempts. While those aren't the type of odds you would lay money down on in Vegas, know that an attacker could easily submit a password hundreds of times in a second. That's as close to a sure thing you're going to get in the world of cyber crime.

As with most security vulnerabilities, this bug can be easily avoided with patching your software to the latest version.

About the Author

Chris Paoli (@ChrisPaoli5) is the associate editor for Converge360.


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