
Freebie Friday 12/09: eBook Edition

Welcome to another edition of Freebie Friday, the feature highlighting some of the best products for PCs (from software to eBooks) that won't cost you a cent. After checking out this week's batch, send us your suggestions for products that should be included to future editions at [email protected].

  • Deploying Windows 7 Essential Guidance - Still haven't made that move to Microsoft's latest OS? This guide will give you step-by-step guidance on launching Windows 7 -- whether it's over one or one hundred computers.

  • Collaboration with Microsoft Office 365 - While last week's free Office 365 ebook focused on the basics of the Microsoft suite of products, this one hones in on how you will use Office 365 on a daily basis.

  • Understanding Microsoft Virtualization Solutions - This guide will give you a grasp on some of the Microsoft virtualization offerings on both the server and desktop landscapes.

  • Bonus Freebie: 30 Days of Getting Results - This self-help guide will provide pointers on making the most of your professional career. Provided is a daily guide to always stay on track.

Previous Freebie Friday columns:


About the Author

Chris Paoli (@ChrisPaoli5) is the associate editor for Converge360.


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