
Microsoft: Windows 8 Beta Coming in 'Late February'

Microsoft will release the beta of Windows 8 in late February, a company official announced yesterday.

The announcement came as part of a talk on Microsoft's upcoming Windows Store, which will be the online selling presence for Windows 8 "Metro-style" applications, built on HTML 5, JavaScript, XAML and C languages. Antoine Leblond, vice president of Windows Web Services, disclosed the approximate release period for the Windows 8 beta. Prior to his talk, Microsoft officials had not publicly disclosed it.

"We're going to open the Store to customers when we release the beta of Windows 8, and that's going to be in late February 2012," Leblond said, according to a Microsoft-produced and -edited video. 

His comment comes at the end of the following video at approximately the 3:16 mark.


About the Author

Kurt Mackie is senior news producer for 1105 Media's Converge360 group.


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