Microsoft Steps Closer to DSI Vision
- By Carolyn April
- 04/01/2007
Building on the success of Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 (MOM), Microsoft
launched the newly branded version of its systems monitoring software late last
month. MOM's new name is Systems Center Operations Manager (OpsManager) 2007.
It's a major upgrade, but it's not considered radical by industry analysts.
It does move Microsoft further along in fulfilling the promise of its Dynamic
Systems Initiative (DSI), first laid out by Bill Gates over three years ago.
OpsManager 2007 is expected to be released to market in April and be generally
available through partners by month's end.
From a macro perspective, the new product evolves from simply a server-monitoring
tool to a scale more in line with business realities. It will manage the services
within an enterprise as opposed to managing individual devices. For example,
it will keep tabs on the health of an enterprise's messaging services rather
than on the performance of a single Exchange Server.

[Click on image for larger view.] |
Figure 1. Systems
Center Operations Manager 2007 offers real-time tracking of device performance. |
"Customers don't want to monitor individual servers, but the services
in their environment," says Eric Berg, product manager for Systems Center
at Microsoft. "It's no longer a console to look at individual servers,
but uses a modeling language to monitor services and their components, giving
you a holistic view of your service levels."
OpsManager 2007 has been re-architected around the systems modeling language
(SML), a pending standard that lets devices within an enterprise be identified
and modeled as part of an end-to-end network, Berg says.
Peter Pawlak, senior analyst at Directions on Microsoft in Kirkland, Wash.,
singles out a number of improvements in OpsManager 2007, notably the new Self-Tuning
Assessment capability. This feature automates the tailoring thresholds such
as healthy server utilization or performance in individual customer environments.
With the current MOM 2005 product, administrators are forced to assign those
thresholds manually -- a major pain -- but it's better than attending to every
false-positive generated by MOM's out-of-the-box default settings.

[Click on image for larger view.] |
Figure 2. System
Center's console offers admins a graphical overview of their environment. |
"The new feature automatically watches your system, recompiles a baseline
and then sets and adjusts those thresholds to usage patterns," says Pawlak.
Pawlak also lauds the revamped OpsManager console, which he says doesn't resemble
MOM 2005's at all. Other enhancements to the software should facilitate Microsoft's
desire to see OpsManager serve as the master console for monitoring the heterogeneous
enterprise, as opposed to being a spoke that feeds Windows system data into
a hub console from another vendor such as IBM Tivoli, BMC or Computer Associates,
he says.

[Click on image for larger view.] |
Figure 3. Report
Operations Manager 2007 has integrated reporting built on SQL Server Reporting
Services. |
Several other features come to bear. First off, OpsManager 2007 includes client-monitoring
support. Specifically, it aggregates so-called "Dr. Watson" error
reports from individual Windows clients onto the OpsManager system. This way,
IT administrators get a much more meaningful view of the scale of client errors.
"A company has a chance of seeing that 2,000 of its users are getting the
same error all the time," says Pawlak. "At a corporate level you are
then able to collect that information and analyze it."
OpsManager 2007 also includes a new audit collection tool to help users with
security and compliance requirements, as well as an SDK for developers and partners
to build management packs.
Lastly, Pawlak says to watch for easier integration of OpsManager 2007 and
Microsoft's forthcoming Service Desk, trouble ticket and change management software
expected during the Longhorn Server timeframe.
About the Author
Carolyn April is the executive editor of features for Redmond magazine.