
100 Million Copies of IE7 Installed

Microsoft recently announced that, as of January 8, 100 million users have installed Internet Explorer 7.0.

The company released IE7 on October 18, roughly three months ago.

With 100 million copies installed, IE7 is only second to IE6 in terms of overall numbers. After no major updates to IE6 since it first shipped in 2001, IE7 features tabbed browsing, a built-in RSS reader, a phishing filter, and an integrated search window as well as improved security.

“According to WebSideStory (the company we use to measure browser usage), as of this week, over 25 percent of all visitors to Web sites in the U.S. were using IE7, making IE7 the second most used browser after IE6,” said a posting on Microsoft’s IEblog. Soon after it was released, Microsoft made IE7 available as a priority update, which likely helped drive the rapid uptake of the upgraded browser.

IE7 is available for download here.

About the Author

Stuart J. Johnston has covered technology, especially Microsoft, since February 1988 for InfoWorld, Computerworld, Information Week, and PC World, as well as for Enterprise Developer, XML & Web Services, and .NET magazines.


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