Windows Insider
Thump. Thump. Is This Thing On?
Analyzing network traces may not the most exciting task, but it can be the fastest way to get to the root of a problem.
- By Bill Boswell
- 03/01/2003
An Ethernet network is really nothing more than a big antenna connecting
lots of little adapter transmitters, which—like thousands of tiny Howard
Sterns all trying to talk at the same time—form the basis of Carrier Sense-Multiple
Access/Collision Detect. For all its simplicity, a network is a nasty
thing to troubleshoot. When a server problem arises that looks like it
might be network-related, it’s not often that you hear someone say, “Here’s
a tricky little problem. Let’s check a packet sniffer to see what’s happening.”
More often you’ll hear, “Whoa, this looks really nasty. I sure hope we
don’t have to break out the darned packet sniffer.”
Analyzing a network trace may seem like a tedious way to resolve a problem—something
akin to going through a Warner Bros. cartoon one frame at a time trying
to figure out how they get Bugs Bunny to sing opera—but it’s often the
fastest way to find a solution. The key to making a sniffer useful is
becoming familiar with standard transactions so you can recognize problems
as they occur. In this column, I’ll trace a typical Windows network connection
to provide an idea of what it should look like and why.
To do the traces in this column, I used an open-source product called
Ethereal, available at
I prefer Ethereal to the Windows 2000 Network Monitor utility because
of its ability to display all traffic seen by the adapter (“promiscuous
mode” sniffing), as well as the sophistication of its parsers for analyzing
traffic contents.
Header Information
A single transmission unit is called a frame. The first 14 bytes
in the frame comprise the Ethernet header. The header has two 6-byte MAC
addresses, one for the destination adapter and one for the source adapter,
along with a 2-byte code indicating the payload type. 0x0800 designates
an IP payload.
The next 20 bytes or so contain the Internet Protocol (IP) header. The
first byte in the header is normally 0x45, indicating the IP version number
(4) and the number of 4-byte sections in the header (5*4=20, the standard
IP header length.) The data following the IP header is called a packet.
In addition to the source and destination host addresses, the IP header
contains a Time to Live (TTL) value limiting the router hops a packet
can accommodate (128 maximum), a Differentiated Services Field that defines
acceptable handling characteristics by routers (described in RFC 2474),
a checksum that verifies that the payload hasn’t been corrupted and a
flag indicating if the payload has been fragmented to fit in the Ethernet
frame. Some notorious perimeter intrusion exploits take advantage of IP
packet fragmentation, so many firewalls reject IP packets with the fragmentation
flag set.
Application Tracing
All we’ve seen so far is packaging, the electronic equivalent of
airbills and foam containers. Now we’ve arrived at the true payload, and
it’s time to start analyzing a transaction stream.
Figure 1 shows an Ethereal trace of a transaction involving a user who
maps a drive to a server via the NET USE command. The 42 frames in this
transaction zip by in just more than four-tenths of a second. (I’ve disabled
NetBIOS over TCP/IP in this example to avoid extraneous broadcasts and
name-resolution requests.) The user does a DIR of the mapped drive and
then issues the NET USE * /d /y command to tear down the connection.
Here’s the cast of characters: W2KS-VM1 is a Win2K domain controller
and DNS server with the address W2KS-VM2 is a Win2K member
server with the address VM-PRO1 is a Win2K Professional
workstation with the address (The VM in each name stands
for Virtual Machine to indicate that they’re actually VMWare sessions.
If you haven’t worked with VMWare, run—don’t walk—to
to download a 30-day trial.)
Figure 1. The 42 frames of this top-level Ethereal
transaction trace display in less than half a second. (Click image
to view larger version.) |
When the user issues the command “net use * \\w2ks-vm2\data,” here’s
what happens:
Client: DNS Query—Give me an “A” record for com.
The client converts the flat name W2KS-VM2 into a Fully Qualified DNS
Name (FQDN) by appending the DNS suffix assigned to the computer when
it joined the domain—in this case, The FQDN is included in
an “A” record request sent to a DNS server.
A flag in the DNS query designates this as a recursive query, which tells
the DNS server to go hunt down the resource record and deliver it back
to the resolver. This is the electronic equivalent of Tony Soprano telling
a lieutenant, “Take care of this little problem for me.”
DNS Server: DNS Reply—Here’s the resource record you requested.
The “A” record returned by the DNS server includes a TTL value that tells
the resolver how long to cache the record. You can view the contents of
the resolver cache using ipconfig /displaydns. The DNS server also sets
a flag in the response telling the resolver that the server is authoritative
for the designated zone, indicating that the resource record came from
a physical zone file—not from the server’s cache.
Client: ARP Request—Give me the MAC address for
The client needs the MAC address of the target server so it can buid
an Ethernet frame. It obtains this address using Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP). ARP consists of broadcasting the IP address, then waiting for the
host to respond. If a router sits between the client and the host, the
router responds to the ARP with its own MAC address. The MAC address is
six octets: The first three are assigned by IEEE to the adapter vendor,
and the second three are assigned sequentially and uniquely by the vendor.
No two adapters should ever have the same MAC address; but some manufacturers
get a little sloppy in their accounting practices, and accidents happen.
Server: ARP Reply—I’m 192.168. 0.101, and my MAC address is 00505640007a.
The target Ethernet adapter replies to the ARP request. The client caches
the reply. If the address is not used again within two minutes, it’s removed
from cache. If it’s reused, it remains in cache an additional 10 minutes.
You can view the cache using arp -c.
Client: PING Request—Can you hear me,
The Tcpip driver tests the result of the ARP by sending out an ICMP Echo
Request, or ping. The Echo Request payload consists of letters of the
alphabet. You can adjust the payload size by using ping –l .
Older Windows stacks were susceptible to crashes if you overstuffed the
receiving buffer. New stacks don’t have this bug, but Windows limits the
maximum payload to 65,500 bytes, just in case.
Server: PING Reply—I can hear you.
Unless ICMP has been blocked by a firewall or client policy, the target
adapter should respond with a copy of the payload in the Echo Request.
Client: TCP SYN—I’d like to connect to port 445.
When humans meet, they make eye contact, shake hands, exchange names,
then alternately speak and listen—controlling the conversational flow
with nuances of vocal inflection. TCP-based applications control connections
using flags in the TCP header.
A client initiates a connection by sending a SYN flag. The server responds
with SYN and ACK flags, and the client responds with a single ACK flag.
During this transaction, the two entities exchange random 32-bit numbers
that act as session identifiers. An entity acknowledging a transmission
includes the last number assigned by its partner, incrementing the number
by 1. This tells the receiver when a datagram arrives out of sequence
or doesn’t arrive. This is how TCP guarantees in-sequence delivery of
messages larger than a single datagram.
This particular connection request is directed at TCP port 445, the port
used by Win2K for Server Message Block (SMB) transactions. This so-called
“direct hosting” SMB port replaces the legacy port 139 Session Service
used by earlier versions of Windows.
Server: TCP SYN-ACK—I’m waiting for your connection to port 445.
A SYN-ACK indicates that the server received the connection request and
has allocated buffer space with the size indicated in the Window Size
field. These buffer sizes are flexible, allowing the two machines to adjust
to changes in network latency and packet loss. If the client doesn’t respond
immediately, the server continues to send SYN-ACK replies up to the limit
set in the Registry.
Client: TCP ACK—I’ve completed the connection to port 445.
Classic teardrop attacks and other Denial-of-Service exploits take advantage
of this portion of the TCP handshake by sending bazillions of SYN requests
to a port without responding to the resulting SYN-ACK or by directing
the SYN-ACK to some innocent third party. This eventually causes the target
to run out of memory and cease functioning. Win2K has special Registry
entries that help protect against this type of attack. See Knowledge Base
article 324270,
“How to harden the TCP/IP Stack Against Denial of Service Attacks.”
Client: SMB Negotiate Protocol Request—What dialect of SMB should
we use?
The SMB protocol has a history that goes back to the mid-1980s, with
the older dialects considered as medieval as Chaucerian English. The client
suggests a list of dialects (from oldest to newest) it supports.
SMB Negotiate Protocol Response—Let’s use version 0.12.
All modern Windows servers and clients use SMB version 0.12. This dialect
also forms the basis of the Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol
that Microsoft recently published. Obtain a copy at
Client to Domain Controller: Kerberos Session Ticket Request—I need
a session ticket for W2KS-VM2.
Kerberos clients are required to submit session tickets when connecting
to Kerberos validating servers. To obtain this session ticket, the client
validates its own identity using a preauthenticator, a timestamp encrypted
with a session key extracted from the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) issued
by the DC when the user first logged onto the domain.
Domain Controller: Kerberos Session Ticket Reply—Here’s your session
The Kerberos session ticket returned by the DC has two cipher portions:
one encrypted with the user’s password hash, and one encrypted with the
target server’s password hash. Both portions contain a copy of a session
key that uses encrypt authenticators used in the next two packets.
Client to Server: Session Setup andX Request—I’d like to set up an
SMB session.
Figure 2. In the Session Setup SMB, the client
offers two Security Support Providers (SSPs)—Kerberos and NTLM—for
authentication. (Click image to view larger version.) |
The “Function andX” structure of SMB requests hearkens back to the original
days of NetBIOS, when network commands were stored in data structures
called Network Control Blocks then plowed into the network controller
via a hardware interrupt. The “andX” construct permits two NCBs to be
transmitted in the same SMB.
In the Session Setup SMB, the client offers two Security Support Providers
(SSPs) for authentication: Kerberos and NTLM. In case the target server
prefers Kerberos, the client includes a copy of the session ticket and
an authenticator.
Server: Session Setup andX Response—I’ve established an SMB session
for you.
The reply contains a Kerberos authenticator for the client to validate
the target server’s identity. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.
The reply also contains a User ID that acts as a thread for future SMB
communications over this connection. The SMB header contains a Multiplex
ID that pairs the response to the original request, which permits SMB
partners to exchange requests and replies out of sequence in the same
Client: Tree Connect andX Request—I’d like to connect to the IPC$
The client makes an initial SMB connection to the Inter-Process Communication
service stub, which takes the form of a hidden share called IPC$. For
an in-depth look at this and similar transactions, get the Macmillan Technical
Publishing book DCE/RPC
over SMB, by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton.
Server: Tree Connect andX Response—I’ve set up a Tree connection.
The server assigns a Tree ID that the client uses in subsequent transactions
to the IPC interface.
Client: Transaction 2 Request—Give me a referral for the \Data Dfs
link point.
Win2K and Windows XP clients always start by assuming that a share is
a Dfs link point. Older clients assume that a share is a share and only
send a Dfs referral request if the initial share connection fails.
Server: Transaction 2 Response—Nope, \Data is not a Dfs link point.
Unabashed, the client obtains a fresh Kerberos session ticket and initiates
another SMB session to connect to the Data share. With that done, the
sequence continues.
Client: Tree Connect andX Request—I’d like to connect to the \Data
If you look at the TCP header at this point, you’ll see that the client
continues to use the original TCP connection (as shown by the session
and acknowledgement numbers) with the PSH and ACK flags set, indicating
that the client has received the last datagram and is sending a new one.
The ability to piggyback acknowledgements with later transmissions reduces
network traffic.
Server: Tree Connect andX Response—I’ve established a tree connect
for you.
The server includes a Tree ID for the client to use when communicating
with this share in the future. This acts as a “handle” to the share point.
Client: TCP ACK—Thanks.
Client: Create andX Request—I’d like to open the Desktop.ini file
inside Data.
A Create andX SMB tells a server to open a designated file and return
a file handle. The request includes flags to indicate the type of access
required by the client. In this case, the Read flags are set. Another
set of flags is used to request an opportunistic lock (oplock). “Opportunistic”
means the server is free to hold off on the request until it can lock
the file. If the client doesn’t free the oplock, the only way to break
it is to tear down the entire session.
Server: Create andX Response—Sorry. Desktop.ini doesn’t exist.
Client: Create andX Request— Are you sure? Try again.
Server: Create andX Response—Yup. I’m sure. It’s not there.
Client: Transaction2 Request—Well, maybe \Data really is a Dfs link.
Please check again.
Server: Transaction2 Reply—Nope, \Data really isn’t a Dfs link.
The network client now tries the whole Tree Connect sequence over again
just to make sure there hasn’t been a mistake. When it’s satisfied that
\Data really is a share, the user sees a success message for the drive
mapping. In Win2K, the next available drive letter is assigned to the
connection. In Windows .NET and XP, the last available drive letter is
Using a Mapped Drive
Let’s say that the user now changes to the mapped drive and issues
a DIR command. Here’s what happens.
Client: Transaction2 Request—Give me the property information on the
The Transaction2 SMB has a variety of options for checking the status
of a network file system. The Subcommand field contains a code that defines
the option. In this case, option 0x003 designates QUERY_FS_VOLUME_INFO.
The CIFS documentation from Microsoft lists the available options.
Each Transaction2 SMB option has a set of suboptions that Microsoft calls
InformationLevel and Ethereal displays as “Level of Interest.” The text
entry in Ethereal corresponds to the option number. In this case, option
0x102 corresponds to SMB_QUERY_FS_VOLUME_ INFO, which Ethereal displays
as Query FS Volume Info.
Server: Transaction2 Response—Here’s your volume info.
The response includes the volume name, the volume’s eight-digit serial
number and the volume’s creation date.
Client: Transaction2 Request—What are the volume attributes?
This is QUERY_FS_VOLUME_INFO option 0x105.
Server: Transaction2 Response—The volume uses FAT.
The response also includes the maximum file name length, which is 255
characters when connecting to NT or Win2K servers. This limit also applies
to path lengths, a fact that’s often used to hide files by burying them
deep inside a set of long folder names.
The server returns attributes for the share. In this case, the attributes
indicate that case-in-file names are preserved, along with persistent
changes to ACLs. This appears to be a bug, as FAT doesn’t contain ACLs.
Client: Transaction2 Request—What are the basic attributes for this
file object?
Server: Transaction2 Reply—It’s a folder.
The response includes the creation date, last access date, last write
date and last modification date. This information is displayed to the
user in the console.
Client: Transaction2 Request—Double check the volume attribute.
The client repeats the request for QUERY_FS_VOLUME_INFO, option 0x102.
Server: Transaction2 Reply—Repeats response.
The server sends another response with the volume name, the eight-digit
volume serial number and the volume creation date.
Client: Transaction2 Request—Enumerate the folder contents.
Classic DOS/Windows enumerates a directory tree with the FindFirstFile
and FindNextFile function calls. You’ll sometimes hear this called FindFirst/FindNext.
The associated SMB commands are FIND_FIRST2 and FIND_NEXT2.
The FIND_FIRST2 command searches a directory to find files and folders
that match a specified pattern, such as *.txt. Unlike the FindFirstFile
function call, which only returns simple file names, the FIND_FIRST2 SMB
returns a list of file names and their attributes. A flag in the request
determines how many attributes to include in the list.
Server: Transaction2 Reply—Here’s a list of the items in the folder.
Even if a folder is empty, it will have the dot (self) and dot-dot (parent)
The amount of information that can be returned by the server in response
to FIND_FIRST2 is limited to the maximum TCP datagram size, which is 16K
or 16,384 bytes in Win2K. If there’s more to send after filling up the
FIND_FIRST2 reply, the client sends a FIND_NEXT2 SMB to obtain another
16K of information.
Client: Transaction2 Request—How much space is left in the volume?
This SMB was sent because the DIR command needs to display space used
by the listed files and total free space.
Server: Transaction2 Reply—Here’s the information you requested.
The response includes the total clusters (allocation units) in the volume
behind the share and the number of free clusters. It also lists the number
of sectors per cluster and the number of bytes per sector. The application
does the math and displays the result.
TCP ACK—Thanks.
The user now issues a NET USE * /d /y command to break the connection.
Client: Tree Disconnect Request—I’m done with Tree ID 4102.
Server: Tree Disconnect Reply—I’ve torn down Tree ID 4102.
Client: Logoff andX Request— I’m done with Session ID 6146.
Server: Logoff andX Reply— I’ve torn down Session ID 6146.
Client: TCP FIN—I’m done with this TCP session.
Server: TCP FIN-ACK—I’ve torn down the TCP session.
Client: TCP ACK (from client)—So long.
If the user simply turns off the computer without gracefully exiting
the connection, it eventually times out and the server tears down the
session and sends a TCP Reset (RST) to the client.
Wrapping It Up
This analysis of a standard SMB connection only scratches the surface
of the information that can be obtained using a packet sniffer. In production,
you’ll probably need to reconfigure switches to permit promiscuous sniffing
and to configure filters to help isolate transactions from the background
streams. Once you get this configuration in place, you have what amounts
to a fluoroscope of your system. If you find time to go through a few
traces, you can get a feel for what standard and non-standard transactions
look like. It might not be exciting work, but it beats spending the afternoon
reading your company’s cafeteria plan documentation.