Product Reviews
A Few of My Favorite Things: ReplMon
Compaq knows a thing or two about troubleshooting large networks. Here are some of the utilities and programs it uses most and likes best for Windows 2000.
The Active Directory Replication Monitor (ReplMon.exe)
is wonderful Win2K tool for managing and monitoring
replication. This tool can be installed as part of the
Win2K support tools on the Server or Advanced Server
The intuitive interface of the tool provides four basic
areas of functionality:
Verifying replication topology: Each server added to
the display automatically compiles a list of its replication
partners and displays them below itself. The display
of transitive replication partners can be turned on
or off.
Troubleshooting replication: Clicking on a server's
replication partner brings up a useful display of statistics
related to replication between the two DCs.
Last successful replication time: Long durations could
spell problems.
Current USN Number: A replication partner with a USN
lower than the current USN on the monitored server could
indicate replication problems.
Replication can be triggered in an "on-demand" fashion
by selecting a server's replication partner, right-clicking
and choosing the option to synchronize with a single
replication partner (one-to-one replication) or synchronize
with all its replication partners.
Through ReplMon, reports can be
generated for each server, listing the server's
current USN, its replication partners, and so on.
(Click image to view larger version.) |
The replication monitor can also be used to perform
administrative tasks, including:
- Viewing and transferring FSMO roles
- Viewing and transferring Global Catalog servers
- Viewing Global Catalog servers in the enterprise
- Displaying trust relationships
- Compiling a list of Bridgehead servers
I've used this tool many times to troubleshoot replication,
and it's saved me much time. Using ReplMon in conjunction
with other Win2K tools such as Event Viewer makes short
work of resolving complex replication issues.
About the Author
Jim Hautala, MCSE, is a technology
consultant, Windows and Messaging Practice, for
Compaq in New England.