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Ballmer Bashing Time

For many in the media, Microsoft bashing is a regular sport. And the favorite event here is Ballmer bashing. Armed with just a J-degree, a well-worn keyboard and copy of WordStar, these scribes think of all kinds of reasons why Mr. Ballmer is such a failure.

The latest entrant, Forbes, which places Ballmer's wealth at nearly $17 billion, now also ranks him as the executive most in need of firing:

"Not only has he singlehandedly steered Microsoft out of some of the fastest growing and most lucrative tech markets (mobile music, handsets and tablets) but in the process he has sacrificed the growth and profits of not only his company but 'ecosystem' companies such as Dell, Hewlett Packard and even Nokia. The reach of his bad leadership has extended far beyond Microsoft when it comes to destroying shareholder value -- and jobs."

Now, keep in mind that Microsoft has never lost money, has record after record quarters, owns the gaming console market, server database market, PC and laptop OS market, PC server market, productivity software market and is now making a nice cloud play.

So it didn't invent the iPad. Boo hoo!

Guess who else is on the list? Mike Duke, head of Walmart, and John Chamber, head of Cisco. I guess decimating nearly any and all competition isn't enough for the ink-stained hacks at Forbes.

I think a little Forbes bashing is in order. Walmart and Cisco? Give me a break!

Who makes your list and how do you rank Mr. Ballmer? Honest and forthright opinions always welcome at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 05/16/2012 at 1:19 PM


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