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Redmond Insults iPhone, Angry at Android

There is a lot of hype about the iPhone 4S. In fact, Steve Wozniak was first in line at his local Apple store to snap this puppy up.

So does everyone love the new iPhone? Not on your life. The head of Microsoft phone group Andy Lees is positively negative on it. One issue? A lack of models. Lees also argues that the iPhone, as well as the Android devices, are "cluttered and confused."

Microsoft's strategy, on the other hand,  is coherent, "people-centric" and results in a "delightful experience."

I think Lees is going a bit overboard. The real battle is when Windows Phone 8 comes out, and that is so far out we may well have a new president.

Have you looked at both Android and iPhone and still opted for Windows? Tell us why at [email protected].

Posted by Doug Barney on 10/17/2011 at 1:18 PM


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