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Microsoft Cloud Biz Still a Wisp

With all the talk from Redmondites about the cloud, you'd reckon Microsoft is pulling in a bundle. After all, isn't Microsoft 'all in' the cloud?

The cloud may be Microsoft's financial future, but it sure isn't the present. In fact it will take quite a while before the cloud can rival Microsoft's on-premise server software business, or so says Charles Di Bona, a Redmond general manager.

Right now, the Server and Tools business runs around $17 billion a year, and Windows Azure is part of that division. Unfortunately Di Bona didn't break out specific cloud numbers. In fact, that may be impossible to do. Standard on-premise tools like System Center and Windows Server can be deployed in a data center as part of private clouds.

Posted by Doug Barney on 11/16/2011 at 1:18 PM


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