
Microsoft Rebrands Deployment Toolkit with Build 8443 Release

The latest Microsoft Deployment Toolkit for deploying Windows client and server operating systems was released this month, but don't call it "MDT 2016."

Instead, it's just called "Microsoft Deployment Toolkit build 8443," according to Microsoft's announcement today. The kit can be downloaded at the Microsoft Download Center here. It succeeds MDT 2013 Update 2 and is designed for deploying client OSes (from Windows 7 to Windows 10), as well as Windows Server OSes (from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Window Server 2016), according to a Microsoft forum post. It also works with System Center Configuration Manager 2012 and newer versions.

The use of MDT build 8443 requires having the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 version 1607 installed, which can be downloaded here.

Microsoft claims to be simplifying the kit's branding with this release. It plans to release MDT updates (new builds) whenever they are needed to keep pace with "Windows, Windows ADK [Assessment and Deployment Kit] and Configuration Manager," according to the announcement.

MDT build 8443 supports the "current branch" and "long-term servicing branch" of Windows 10. It supports System Center Configuration Manager 1606. However, Microsoft mercifully isn't planning to use its Windows 10-style service-branch lingo with future MDT releases.

"This is not necessarily a 'current branch' of MDT," Microsoft's announcement clarified.

In addition, Microsoft isn't necessarily planning to release monthly updates to MDT as it does with Windows 10 and System Center Configuration Manager.

MDT build 8443 contains "multiple fixes" for performing in-place upgrades to Windows 10. Microsoft also removed "imagex/ocsetup dependencies," among other fixes.

Possibly, documentation for MDT build 8443 is yet to come. At press time, Microsoft's TechNet library page just showed MDT 2013 documentation.

About the Author

Kurt Mackie is senior news producer for 1105 Media's Converge360 group.


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