Mr. Script
Build a Better NTFS Converter
Help for working through the steps.
- By Chris Brooke
- 01/01/2004
I recently replaced the hard drive in my notebook computer. I just love getting new hardware! My new drive is faster (5,400 RPM as opposed to 4,800), larger by 10GB and quieter. I also doubled my RAM to 1GB.When my new drive arrived, I used a USB 2.0 hard drive upgrade kit to clone my existing drive to my new one. This process was, to coin a phrase, dead sexy! If you ever need to upgrade your notebook hard drive, go this route. It’s a lot easier than re-installing everything on the new drive.
My point in telling this story (and it’s equally valuable to desktop
hard drive upgrades, as well) is that I was able to convert my file system
to NTFS. You might say, “Well, that’s easy,” and you’d be right. Sure,
I could have done it at any time, just by using CONVERT.EXE. But there
are issues with converting a file system to NTFS that don’t arise when
you format one from scratch. I wanted to work through those issues, and
now I had a complete backup of my notebook drive, just in case. If anything
went wrong, all I had to do was replace the new drive with the old one
and start over. There’s tremendous freedom in having that kind of safety.
NTFS Is Good
Any administrator worth his or her salt can enumerate the benefits of
NTFS. First and foremost, it’s secure. This is particularly important
on notebook computers. I have documents and spreadsheets on my computer
that I’d like to keep secure. With FAT32, all an intruder needs is a DOS
boot disk and access to my computer to see everything. NTFS also supports
encryption, compression, quotas and more. Finally, when properly tweaked,
NTFS is faster.
Converting to NTFS Is Bad
As I said, there are issues that arise when converting to NTFS. Most notable
among them is fragmentation of the Master File Table (MFT). The CONVERT
utility creates this MFT on the drive during the conversion process. Even
if you defrag your hard drive immediately prior to running CONVERT, there’s
no guarantee that the MFT will occupy a contiguous area of the drive.
Because the MFT is used for every file access operation (indeed, many
files are stored in the MFT in their entirety), a fragmented MFT can really
affect performance.
In light of these challenges, I created a process to convert a FAT or
FAT32 file system to NTFS while circumventing or eliminating most of the
pitfalls. And I’ve written a script to automate the entire process. This
may not seem like much of a timesaver if you’re just upgrading your own
computer, but if those 20 new workstations that just arrived pre-loaded
with Windows XP on FAT32 hard drives need NTFS, you have two choices if
you want to extract anything resembling acceptable performance and security:
Run this script or rebuild them from scratch.
The Process
First, I explain each step in the process and why it’s important. Next,
we look at the script. Finally, there’s an additional tweak you can use
to squeeze even more performance out of your conversion.
Before we get started, one final point: This conversion method only works on Windows XP/Windows 2003 because the most important step—using a CvtArea—is only supported in the XP/Windows 2003 version of CONVERT.EXE.
1. Reserve an area for the MFT. To prevent the MFT from being
created in a fragmented state, we need to set aside an area of contiguous
space—referred to by CONVERT.EXE as the CvtArea—on the drive. The size
of this file should be at least the total number of files and folders
that exist on your drive multiplied by 1,024. (It doesn’t hurt to add
some “buffer zone.”) So, if we have 9,000 files and 1,000 folders, the
file would be 10,240,000 bytes in size. We use the FSUtil program to create
the file.
C:\>fsutil file createnew MFTArea.txt 10240000
Note: This file must be in the root of the C: drive.
2. Ensure that the file is contiguous. SysInternals has a free
utility called Contig.exe that will defragment a single file. You can
download it at
Extract it to a folder that’s in your path, then “defrag” the MFTArea.txt
C:\>contig mftarea.txt
3. Run the CONVERT utility:
C:\>convert c: /FS:NTFS /CvtArea:MFTArea.txt
And now, the script:
Converts file system to NTFS using /CvtArea
flag to avoid MFT fragmentation
<object id="objFSO"
<object id="objShell"
<script language="VBScript">
Dim objDrive,
objFolder, objWMI
strVolume, colOS, clsOS
iFilesFolders, iCvtArea
'Get the
drive volume info
Set objDrive=objFSO.GetDrive("c:")
objDrive.FileSystem="NTFS" Then
"File system already NTFS"
the root folder
set objFolder=objFSO.GetFolder("c:\")
total files and folders
"Calculating size of CvtArea..."
'Add 20MB
to CvtArea for buffer
CvtArea file
"Creating file for CvtArea..."
objShell.Run _
"fsutil file createnew c:\MFTArea.txt
" & iCvtArea,,True
WScript.Echo "File: c:\MFTArea.txt created"
'Make file contiguous
"Making CvtArea file contiguous..."
"contig c:\MFTArea.txt",,True
"File Is contiguous"
'Convert file system to NTFS
"Enter volume label when prompted"
"Volume label is: " & strVolume
c: /FS:NTFS /CvtArea:MFTArea.txt"
'Reboot computer to begin conversion
objWMI=GetObject("winmgmts:" _
"{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Shutdown)} " _
colOS=objWMI.ExecQuery _
* from Win32_OperatingSystem")
Each clsOS in colOS
CountFilesAndFolders (objFol)
iCount, clsFolder
+ iCount
Each clsFolder In objFol.SubFolders
The script essentially takes us through the steps for converting the
drive. In its current state, it still requires a bit of user interaction—such
as entering the Volume name of the drive. Still, when converting many
drives at once, it can really save some time.
Making it Better
While utilizing the above method will provide much better performance
than a simple “raw” conversion to NTFS, there’s still one area where we
can improve things: Cluster size. The CONVERT utility automatically sets
the cluster size to 512 bytes. While this cuts down on wasted disk space,
it also leads to increased file fragmentation. A cluster size of 4K is
generally considered optimal for most uses. Unfortunately, there isn’t
a built-in or free utility that can perform this task. You’ll need to
purchase a partition management tool, such as PowerQuest’s PartitionMagic,
and resize the clusters to 4K (or whichever size works best in your environment).
Congratulations! You now have a finely tuned, smooth-running, secure file system.