Mr. Script

Going Hyper-Active

Build scripts that work more like applications so you can monitor progress and display results in a formatted manner.

An HTA Reality Check

Simplify your administrative life with HTAs.

Getting Creative with HTAs

Chris shows how you can take your HTAs one step further.

Scriptomatic Redux

Scriptomatic Version 2 improves upon some of the limitations of the previous iteration of this handy scripting tool.

Auto-confirm with PopUp

Used appropriately, PopUp is a powerful addition to any scripter's toolbox.

WMI eXposed!

More than just a browser, WMIX packs more bang than fluff.

Device Management

The command-line tool DevCon.exe provides a ton of functionality.

Clean up Those Dirty Connections

A script that uses Devcon.exe to disable dirty connections when the computer is connected to the corporate (private) network, compliments of a Mr. Script reader.

Nowhere Near Theory

Mr. Script dissects a VBA application that automates processes so you can side-step any pitfalls along the way.

Setting the Timer

Mr. Script explores integrating a Web-based order system with electronic software deliver.

Automate This! Part 3

Do that thing you do.

Automate This! Part 4: You Send Me

In the final installment of this four-part series, Chris shows that the best solution may not be the most elegant one.

Build a Better NTFS Converter

Help for working through the steps.

Scripting Tweaks

This tool creates scripts for tweaking remote systems.

Password Currency

Why it's important for remote users to change passwords regularly.

Event Log Dissection

You can use a script to compile log info into a file for closer examination.

Delegating Rights

You can give ordinary users NT and WMI administrative rights for routine tasks—to a degree.

Directing Traffic

This script can be altered to read/write any kind of Registry entry.

Fancy Filework

Applying registration keys en masse via scripting.

Many IPs, One NIC? No Problem.

If you've been wanting to bind multiple IP addresses to a single NIC, now you can.

Scripting Your Way Through an AD Migration

Save time (and hassles) with these scripting tips.

Easy Database Creation

Three scripts that will make creating and populating your databases a breeze.

Scripting DSN Creation

Mr. Script explains how you can edit the Registry with scripting to automate the creation of Data Source Names.

Remote Scripting for SP2

Is Windows XP SP2 bringing your remote admin scripts down? Mr. Script has the answer you've been looking for.


What better way to kick off a new year than with a cool new tool?

Frag Out!

When it comes to sluggish hard drives, this handy script will help keep you moving.

Isn’t It Ironic?

When it comes to security, don't forget to encode your beloved scripts.


When it comes to encoding your scripts, forget about the command line.

Encoding for the Masses

No matter your job (or platform), scripting makes life easier.

Registry Rights

Changing the registry is a scary concept, but WMI makes it simple.

Give the My Computer Icon a User Name

It is handy to be able to just look up at the My Computer icon and see where you are and what name you are using.

Speaking the Same Language

This month, Chris takes you through a handy script that discovers and enumerates what networking protocols are installed on a host.

Time Traveling

See how three scripts allow for dealing with restore points remotely.

Using WMI Remotely

Two different solutions for using WMI with remote connections.

Controlling Network Connections

Stepping outside of the box is a good thing.

No More Prying Eyes

Encoding scripts to prevent unauthorized access.

Scripting Serendipity

Finding out that .WSF scripts—based on XML—allow you to declare just about anything can be a flexible timesaver.

.WSF: The Final Frontier

After this last lesson—which looks at the flexibility of Runtime tags—you’ll be ready to bravely face bold, new scripts.

Unleash The Beast!

Turn this script loose and see how easy it is to maximize processor performance across multiple workstations!

Remote Possibilities

Be the King of the Castle by executing tasks from the comfort of your own throne.

Addressing the Issue

Whether adding workstations or reconfiguring your network, this script helps ensure connectivity (and may save you some time, to boot!)

Addressing the Issue, Part 2

This month, Chris shows you how to use an Excel spreadsheet to read and apply IP addresses and get your network connected.

Getting Beyond the Subnet

Moving beyond static IP addresses makes our intrepid script router-friendly and takes you to the great outdoors.

Get Active

Hate it or hate it more, product activation is a necessary evil in the XP world. Here’s how to ease the pain.

Stopping Startups

When software clogs up your system tray, it's time to pull out this Roto-Rooter of a script.

Welcome to Your Nightmare

Audit the software on users' machines with this month's handy script.

The Season of Giving (and Taking)

This useful script will make your life easier, but may make you a grinch to your users.

Spinning a Web of Control

Now that the real millennium is upon us, it’s time to properly administer our Web sites—and ADSI IIS Provider is just the tool to make it happen.

Virtual Control

IIS gives you the power to create and manage virtual directories—for jobs big (and little).

Tap the LDAP Provider to Plumb Active Directory

This month, Chris takes a final dive into the depths of ADSI and shows how it works with LDAP to make Active Directory information easily accessible.

Objective Exposure

The process of automation allows you to script your way through Office applications—even Outlook. Here’s how.

Outlook Automation with OLE

Via your scripts, you can add Contacts, Journal and Calendar entries with ease. No bull.

A Matter of Class

Taking an object-oriented approach to scripting can help your variable structure run like a well-oiled machine.

Class Rules

By digging into the advanced capabilities of classes, you can harness the power of VBScript and do some pretty darn amazing things.

Class Theory

When it comes to Windows Script Components, it’s important to have a firm grasp of VBScript Classes, including when to use Public vs. Private properties.

A New Shade of Scripting

Say goodbye to the days of endless cutting and pasting and hello to the wonderful world of Windows Script Components.

Windows Script Components, Part Deux

The wizard is great, but you'll have to dig deeper to reap all of WSC's rewards.

Behold the Power!

Object-oriented programming with Windows Script Components can keep you from having to reinvent the wheel—and there are some cool bells and whistles, to boot!

Multilingual Matters

With the introduction of WSH 2.0, the power and flexibility of scripting using a variety of languages is yours.

Yanking Data from an Active Server Page

Tap this automated method for using a script to drop “unsubscribe” customers from your email lists.

X-Ray Vision

Use a handy utility called XRay.exe to scrutinize objects and understand what they can add to your scripting efforts.

Automate FTP Downloads

You can write scripts to download files from an FTP site using DOS or, better yet, components and WSH. Choose your weapon.

Component-Based Administration

Objects, Part III. Ready to use some built-in Windows components to speed up routine tasks? Try these.

Graceful Error Handling

Sometimes, you want to trap scripting errors before anyone notices. Good error handling is the key.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

As long as you have users, you're going to have data entry errors. Here's how to write scripts to handle bad data with ease.

Get Yourself Organized

Functions not only help you organize your scripts into subroutines, they also let you choose between going global or staying local.

Get Yourself Organized, Part 2

Keeping your scripts structured with procedures is great for organization and flexibility—but show caution in their use.

Off the Script: Your Questions

Chris addresses a batch of common questions from readers on ready-to-use scripts, useful books, collecting hardware information by script—and yes, ADSI.

Delve into the Depths of ADSI

Get ready for Active Directory Services Interface, the powerful scripting tool that helps you manage Active Directory and much more.

Change in Time

Mandatory password expirations should apply to everyone, even the network administrator.

Password Workout

Flex your analytical muscle with a little XOR-cise.

Supercharge Your Scripts

Adding third-party components to your scripting efforts will get the job done faster and easier.

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