Quick Review: Microsoft enters the Firewall Market

A good reference for protecting your network and passing the exam.

With the release of Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000, Microsoft has placed itself squarely in the firewall world, something that ISA's predecessor, Proxy Server 2.0 was not capable of. The corresponding exam, 70-22,7 grants you MCP status, or can be used as an elective for the MCSE or MCSA certifications.

Pros: Lots of hands-on exercises; CD contains book and two online exams and flashcards for PC, PDA.
Minor problems with organization.
Verdict: Good book for preparing for ISA Server 2000 test, especially the hands-on exercises.

The chapters in the study guide are easy to follow, and the author has supplied a number of hands-on exercises with liberal amounts of screen shots. In addition, he has included a number of illustrations and diagrams to explain some of the more complex topics. [Note: The author of this book is a frequent contributor to MCPmag.com.—Editor]

My only problem with the book was that while the ISA clients were mentioned early in the book, a description of the clients was not supplied until chapter 6. However, that was a fairly minor problem and this book, along with some hands-on time with the product, should be sufficient for you to pass the exam.

About the Author

As a senior consultant Lee Scales, MCSE, CCA, has worked extensively with Windows NT/2000, Exchange and BackOffice. His specialty is designing Win2K infrastructures.


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