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Free White Papers Sponsor Index

  • Beginners Guide to SIEM

    Need a crash course on SIEM? No problem. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platforms provide real-time correlation of events generated from network security controls. Our security gurus will explain what SIEM is (and isn’t) and how to get up and running with it quickly and painlessly. Learn more.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    IT organizations want to deliver greater business value by increasing productivity, delivering services faster, and remaining flexible to incorporate the latest innovations like cloud, containers, and configuration automation. Learn more.

  • Increase Security of Public Cloud Workloads with Red Hat and Microsoft

    Advanced security features and tools deter threats and safeguard applications and data. Together, Red Hat and Microsoft deliver a production-ready cloud foundation that effectively addresses security concerns. Learn more.

  • Hybrid Cloud Strategy for Dummies

    Cloud computing is proliferating and taking over the world of IT as we know it. Cloud computing also grows more complex and multi-faceted daily. Getting onto the cloud is easy. Getting it right is trickier. Learn more.

  • What to Do Before Microsoft Ends Support for Windows Server 2008

    Read this GameChanger to find out containerization is an excellent alternative to performing a traditional application migration with advantages including portability for current and future migrations and insulating applications from server OS upgrades.

  • The Definitive Guide to Micro Segmentation

    Conventional network segmentation focuses on network performance and management. Micro-segmentation, in contrast, addresses critical issues related to security, business agility, and protecting applications at a more granular level. Micro-segmentation delivers fine-grained security that follows the workload as it moves throughout any data center or cloud. Learn more.

  • How to Secure Your Crown Jewel Applications

    Protecting your organization’s most valuable assets or crown jewels is essential to protecting the organization from adverse monetary, reputational, and business continuity impact. Learn more.

  • Migrating to the Cloud? It’s Not as Simple as it Seems

    Read this white paper to find out what you need to consider before moving your data into the cloud including options and alternatives to putting all your data in the cloud. Learn more.

  • 10 Requirements for Securing Endpoints

    A true NGFW offers a prevention-focused architecture that is easy to deploy and operate; uses automation to reduce manual effort so that security teams can focus on high-value activities; and delivers new innovations that are natively integrated and easy to adopt – all at the required throughput your business needs. Learn more.

  • Best Practice For Executing on Zero Trust

    The goal of the cybersecurity industry is to prevent successful cyberattacks. However, today's point product approach brings additional challenges: proliferation of products, duplicate features, increasing operational costs, and shortage of skilled resources. This traditional approach to cybersecurity has increased these challenges because of the lack of integrated capabilities and automation. Learn more.

  • Sample Assessment Report: Migration from Windows 7 to Windows 10

    Microland’s client wanted to deploy Windows 10 across all its endpoints spread across the globe. Subsequently, the team carried out a readiness assessment and the findings thereof are being shared in this assessment report. Learn more.

  • How to Build a DDoS Response Plan in 7 Steps

    You’ve probably heard about distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, or maybe you’ve even been hit by one. If you’re like most organizations, you’ve already been DDoSed. Perhaps the attack was minor, a wakeup call, but then the attack subsided without causing damage and you just left DDoS protection on your “to-do list.” Learn more.

  • Steps for Securing Data to Comply with the GDPR

    This guide is for CISOs who want to understand whether their companies are impacted by the new regulation, what the effects might be, and the steps their teams need to take to be compliant with the GDPR data security requirements. Learn more.

  • How to Build a Micro-Segmentation Strategy

    Everyone today is talking about micro-segmentation, but there is relatively little discussion about what micro-segmentation is and how to use it to improve the security inside your data center and cloud. In fact, micro-segmentation is only one type of segmentation (we’ll discuss this more in this guide). Learn more.

  • How to Build a Micro-Segmentation Strategy

    Everyone today is talking about micro-segmentation, but there is relatively little discussion about what micro-segmentation is and how to use it to improve the security inside your data center and cloud. In fact, micro-segmentation is only one type of segmentation (we’ll discuss this more in this guide). Learn more.

  • How To Secure Your Crown Jewel Applications

    Protecting an organization’s most valuable assets or crown jewels is essential to protecting the organization from adverse monetary, reputational, and business continuity impact. Learn more.

  • The Definitive Guide to Micro Segmentation

    Conventional network segmentation focuses on network performance and management. Micro-segmentation, in contrast, addresses critical issues related to security and business agility, protecting applications at a more granular level. It is a new and powerful approach to reducing risk and adapting security to dynamic IT environments. Read more.

  • 5 Must-Have Tools for the Office 365 Enterprise

    Microsoft’s move to the cloud has left enterprises searching for Tools to streamline Office 365 or Hybrid Administration. This interactive Whitepaper will describe and demonstrate 5 Must have Tools for any Office 365 Enterprise customer. Read more.

  • 2019 Buyer’s Guide: B2B Contact Data Provider

    2019 Buyer’s Guide - 3 ‘Gotchas’ to Avoid When Evaluating B2B Data Providers for Sale. Learn more.

  • Checklist: How to Evaluate a B2B Contact Data Provider

    What started as a vendor landscape that primarily offered contact information of B2B professionals has evolved to provide sales teams with end-to-end prospecting solutions. Today, leading B2B data providers help companies maximize their sales department’s productivity and effectiveness through tools and information that help identify, connect, and engage qualified prospects.