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  • 3 Major Hurdles You'll Face Managing Multiple Database Platforms

    Managing multiple database platforms is a common challenge for modern. In this white paper, we’ll dive into the intricacies and risks of managing multiple database platforms within an organization and explore the operational challenges, potential missed opportunities, and governance issues that arise without a strategic plan. We’ll also outline best practices aimed to equip you with the knowledge to effectively manage and derive value from multiple database platforms, transforming a potential liability into a significant asset.

  • Case Study Compilation – Optimizing Microsoft AVD with Nerdio

    Nerdio provide employees with the tools they need to succeed in a modern, digital workplace. These case studies show how Nerdio is empowering organizations to unlock the full potential of cloud technologies and transform their businesses.

  • Guide to Deploying Azure Virtual Desktop in Minutes

    Running VDI without automation tools is a labor-intensive endeavor that strains IT teams and budgets. Leveraging automation tools like Nerdio can help simplify deployments. Nerdio automates just about every step of the process, creating operational efficiencies for IT teams.

  • Switching from Citrix to Microsoft AVD with Nerdio

    Facing unsustainable costs with your Citrix renewal? It’s time to make the switch to simplify and automate your Microsoft AVD deployments with Nerdio. Get our business guide on making the switch.

  • State of Email and Collaboration Security 2024 - Human Risk & AI Framing the Future

    The Mimecast SOECS 2024 report delves into the pressing issues of human risk management, email and phishing attacks, and the impact of generative AI on organizations worldwide.

  • OneStream drives continued growth of leading financial planning software with Dynatrace and Microsoft Azure

    OneStream drives continued growth of leading financial planning software with Dynatrace and Microsoft Azure.

  • A Guide to Mitigating Credential Stuffing Attacks

    We have a collective unaddressed weakness when it comes to basic cybersecurity. Out of the many reports circulating in the news today, many statistics revolve around the number of detected breaches. Billions of user credentials—usernames and passwords—have been exposed publicly over the last few years, and cyberattackers are taking advantage. Review this paper to understand credential stuffing and how to defend against it.

  • CISO Guide to Password Security: NIST 800-63B

    Password security has seen dramatic shifts driven by the escalation of cyber threats and advancements in technology.

  • How to Modernize Your Databases With Data Modeling

    With data volumes expanding by the day, database modernization is more crucial than ever – and that means data modeling needs to be key part of the modern DBA’s toolkit. Learn how the erwin Data Modeler by Quest helps organizations achieve their modernization goals.

  • Cyber Recovery Readiness Checklist

    Learn how to prepare, identify threats, assess the impact on business operations, and restore quickly.

  • Disaster Recovery vs. Cyber Recovery eBook

    Discover the new rules for cyber recovery and how to create an iron-clad security plan with cyber recovery testing.

  • Know Your Data to Better Protect it from Ransomware Solution Brief

    Find out how to stay cyber resilient and better understand your data to minimize risk.

  • Cleanroom Recovery Solution Brief

    Discover how Commvault Cloud's Cleanroom Recovery provides a thorough testing and failover solution that helps organizations effectively reduce cyber risk.

  • Gartner Magic Quadrant and Critical Capabilities

    Download the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ and Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software Solutions Reports.

  • IDC Market Note on Cleanroom Recovery

    Explore the IDC Market Update on Commvault introducing Cleanroom Recovery and enhanced cyber resilience features. Find out why Cyber-Resilience is a Top Concern for C-Suites.

  • ESG Report: Cyber Readiness with Commvault® Cloud Cleanroom™ Recovery

    This Technical Review by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group details the analysis of Commvault Cloud Cleanroom Recovery, with the goal of validating how Cleanroom Recovery can help organizations improve their cyber resilience by providing a comprehensive solution for testing, analysis, and failover.

  • ESG Report: Analyzing the Economic Impact of Commvault Cloud

    Tech Target’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) analyzed the economic benefits of cyber resilience with Commvault Cloud and concluded the unified platform provides substantial value to IT and Security teams in terms.

  • Cloud and data maturity in the era of AI: A guide for IT leaders

    Having accurate, verifiable, and well-managed data is the cornerstone of any AI adoption journey. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics are important for gaining insights from data, improving processes, and gaining a competitive edge. Leveraging platforms like Microsoft Azure can significantly aid in this journey. To become a true data-driven and AI-powered organisation, you must carefully plan and execute the right process with the right tools.

  • How to weave migration and business strategies for AI success

    When considering AI adoption, a well-thought-out strategy is crucial for businesses to stay competitive. But AI implementation comes with significant challenges like data management, security, and compute performance. To combat this, organisations must build a cloud and AI foundation and strategy with strong security protections and robust governance. To begin building an effective AI framework and deployment strategy for your organisation, download How to weave migration and business strategies for AI success. In this eBook, we explore the risks of having a poor AI implementation and why having accurate, verifiable, and well-managed data is crucial for any AI adoption journey.

  • 20 reasons to migrate and modernise in the era of AI

    If your business is seeking to leverage AI for growth and innovation, you’ll want to start where all dreams begin—in the clouds. By migrating and modernising on the cloud, you’ll enable a future-ready and efficient IT foundation that will drive long-term business results, improve customer and employee experiences, and position your business as an industry leader in the AI revolution. If these advantages align with your business goals, download our checklist 20 reasons to migrate and modernise in the era of AI. This checklist showcases the ways cloud migration and modernisation can set you up for operational excellence, cost-efficiency, and future innovations. Embrace the cloud and let your business soar to new heights in the AI era.